10: Storage Room

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The heavy gate was slowly opened in front of Liang Fei, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face.

Liang Fei smelled the familiar smell of water again, and this extremely dry air was very similar to the feeling in the ventilation duct. As Liang Fei expected, when he raised his head, he saw a lot of vents with special specifications installed on the wall.

If Liang Fei hadn't been discovered by Nie Ming last night, but had explored along the ventilation duct all the way to the depths, he might have come to this special experimental body storage room.

The researcher prepared a pair of masks for everyone. After wearing the mask, Liang Fei felt that the dryness in his breath was much reduced, and he no longer had to endure the unpleasant smell of water. Nie Ming walked to a console, swiped his ID card, and then entered a string of passwords.

With the beeping sound of identity verification passed, there was a sound of mechanical operation in the whole room. In the originally unremarkable small room, three walls rose up at the same time, as if three gates were opened, showing the original appearance of the storage room in front of everyone.

In the space behind the three walls, dozens of huge metal shelves are neatly arranged, and each floor of the shelf is equipped with a cuboid similar to a nutrition cabin. The outer wall of the nutrition cabin is translucent, and a black shadow the size of a basketball can be seen inside from the bottom up.

Liang Fei and others went deep into the storage room. There was no metal shelf in the center of the storage room, but a small room with all walls made of tempered glass instead.

The researcher entered a command on the console, and a semi-automatic robot appeared on the shelf, took out a nutrition capsule, and transported the nutrition capsule into this small room, or small laboratory.

After the robot exited, the small laboratory entered a closed state, and the researchers operated outside. After a click, the lid of the nutrition cabin opened automatically.

It was like opening a can of frozen Coke, and a large amount of white mist floated out of the nutrition cabin. After the fog cleared, a dark brown skinny hand grabbed the bulkhead of the nutrition cabin.

Liang Fei stared closely at the monster slowly crawling out of the nutrition cabin, feeling that this monster was somewhat different from the ones he had come into contact with before. If the previous monsters looked like skinned people or animals, then this one was a mummy that had been dried for thousands of years.

Chi -

A large amount of water was suddenly sprayed on the monster from the ceiling in the laboratory. After the water touched the monster's skin, it was instantly absorbed as if dripping into the desert. At the same time, the wrinkled muscles of the monster began to swell. After absorbing a large amount of water, the monster became inflated like a balloon filled with air, and its skin was smooth.

In less than a minute, the monster not only changed from thin and shriveled to plump and strong, but even its speed of movement changed dramatically.

bang bang bang!

The monster smashed and deformed the hard-shelled nutrition cabin with a few punches. It tilted its head and noticed that there were several humans standing outside the glass wall. It arched its back and ejected, rushing in front of several people almost instantly.

Fortunately, the glass in the laboratory was hard enough. The monster slammed into the glass wall and slid down from the air, leaving a puddle of mucus on the transparent glass.

This monster was humanoid, much stronger than the dog-shaped monster Liang Fei encountered in the hunting area. The dog-shaped monster Liang Fei was barely able to fight. If he had encountered this kind of human-shaped monster that day, he would probably have no bones left by now.

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