124: One More

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"Are you sure this is the clearance item you mentioned?" Xie Kun held the mirror with one hand, his eyes filled with distrust.

"Theoretically speaking, there shouldn't be any mistakes." Liang Fei explained, "There are two ways to clear the level. You can either kill it directly from the exit corridor and clear the level with violence, or follow the information prompts to find what the monster is afraid of."

"Obviously the first way of customs clearance is not suitable for us now." Liang Fei glanced at Xie Kun's abdomen pointedly. The wound sprayed with hemostatic agent was still scarlet and glaring. He continued, "I can only bet on mine." Is the speculation correct?"

Without the proper tools to move the mirror, it took even more time for the two to return to the seventh floor. Fortunately, the road was uneventful, and the missing monster seemed to confirm Liang Fei's speculation from the side.

After arriving at the edge of the corridor in front of the exit, the two walked side by side, one left and one right, respectively facing the mirrors in their hands to the two sides of the corridor, so as to ensure that the monsters coming out from both sides would be reflected by the mirror at the first time.

In order to leave no gaps as much as possible, the two must be close together, plus a large mirror for each, making their movements as difficult and slow as crabs.

Xie Kun glanced casually, just in time to spot the smile that Liang Fei hadn't had time to hide.

"What are you laughing at?" Xie Kun frowned.

Liang Fei quickly suppressed his smile and put on a serious look: "It's nothing."

Taking a few steps forward, "Fortunately, there are two of us." Liang Fei said.

It's great to be honest and cooperative in a life-and-death escape game.

In the second half of the sentence, Liang Fei just thought about it in his heart, but what he finally said turned into a cold joke: "If there is only one person carrying two mirrors, will he walk like a gorilla?"

I thought I would hear some "high opinion", but I didn't expect that the other party's mind was full of waste, Xie Kun said coldly: "If you talk nonsense, I will throw you back."

He stopped yelling like this, but Xie Kun's feet quietly slowed down a little, so that Liang Fei would not be able to keep up with his speed.

Liang Fei freed one hand to zip his mouth, and the corridor immediately fell silent.

There was no deliberate active atmosphere, and the rustling sound was like vines coming out from the cracks in the transom and the door. The monster hiding on both sides of the corridor stretched its limbs, peeped out through the gap, and then retracted into the room when it was reflected in the mirror.

The destination is close at hand, and the sound of footsteps in the empty corridor is infinitely amplified. The closer you get to the door at the end of the corridor, the tighter your nerves become.

Liang Fei didn't notice that he had already frowned, sweat dripped down the gap between his fingertips and the glass, and his arms, which had been stiff for a long time, trembled slightly. He suddenly heard Xie Kun's voice, and asked him casually: "What the monster hates is the mirror, what does it have to do with the eyes?"

All the corpses the two encountered on this floor lost both eyeballs. During the hand-to-hand fight with the monster, the monster also deliberately aimed at Xie Kun's eyes. Associating the information left by the monster in the blood book, it is hard not to connect the eyes with the blood book.

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