77: Amnesia

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As if aware of Liang Fei's vigilance, the "da da" sound outside the house suddenly sped up its movements and moved away at an extremely fast frequency.

Liang Fei didn't have time to think, turned over and got out of bed in two steps, didn't even have time to put on his shoes, and opened the door of the room.

In the corridor, there was a floor lamp placed at a certain distance. With the dim light of the floor lamp, Liang Fei could only see that the entire corridor was empty and there was nothing there.

He returned to the room, put on his shoes, and put on heavy clothes, and quietly closed the bedroom door in the dark.

The weird rattling sound had completely disappeared, the corridor was quiet and dark, the hustle and bustle of the day was washed away by the night, as if everything just now was Liang Fei's hallucination.

Liang Fei stomped on the carpet vigorously, at most it could only emit a dull and slight vibration, and the volume was impossible to penetrate the door and wake him up. He tapped the wall again, this time the sound was closer, but there was still a certain gap.

The finger collided with the wall, and there was only a crisp sound, but the "da da" sound just now was much heavier. It's like some humanoid monster, hanging firmly on the wall and crawling slowly...

The moment this conjecture flashed in his mind, Liang Fei clicked on the flashlight and quickly shone the light on the ceiling!

It's a pity that the rattling sound just now was like an innocuous joke. After tricking Liang Fei out of the bedroom, no clues were left behind. The ceiling is decorated with exquisite plaster, and the white plaster is carved into complicated patterns. When the white light of the flashlight sweeps across, the shadows change and rotate.

Anyway, he had already woken up, and Liang Fei didn't bother to go back to sleep. He put on heavy clothes and walked quietly to the back door on the first floor of the villa.

During the day, due to the presence of Hu Shaobin and others, especially Jiang Hua who had killed the reincarnation, Liang Fei did not want to use the ability of the system props in front of them.

Wang Zhicheng died unexpectedly, and almost no useful clues were found at the scene of the death. The ring of karma may be the most effective tool to find the murderer.

Liang Fei had already confirmed the location where the butler and others handled Wang Zhicheng's body. As long as he found Wang Zhicheng's body quietly, he could use system props on it. There is heavy snow falling outside the window now, and when he returns from the place where the corpse is stored, the traces he left will be completely hidden in a few minutes.

Liang Fei quietly pushed open the back door of the villa, and the cold wind from outside the house poured in, making him shiver.

There is sufficient heating in the villa, and just wearing a shirt is enough to keep him warm, almost making him forget the cold he felt before coming to the villa. The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the villa was too large, and he suddenly walked into a field of ice and snow, which froze his hands and feet in seconds.

He barely got used to it for a while, the sound of his shoes rustling in the snow, and with the cold wind in the early morning, he quickly found the place to store the corpse.

The butler only arranged for two bodyguards to handle the corpse, and did not personally supervise it. Probably the bodyguards didn't want to be exposed to the cold in the snow, so the two dug a shallow hole in the snow and threw Wang Zhicheng's body into it.

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