140: Sevenfold Reality

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"Then please tell me the answer I want first, and then I will charge you." Liang Fei said.

"Would you rather die than know the answer?" the queen laughed.

"I know that there are people who 'hear the truth in the morning, but die in the evening', but I didn't expect you to have such potential." The queen circled around Liang Fei a few times with great interest, "It seems that you are willing to pay such a high price For the sake of love, I will fulfill you once." With a wave of her hand, the space in front of her gradually distorted, and finally a door appeared.

"The answers you want to know are all behind this door." The queen opened the door herself, and behind the door was a twisted corridor, which could easily remind Liang Fei of some space-time corridor, time tunnel or something like that.

"Unfortunately, the moment you take off the bracelet, your life will come to an end. Even if you see this road to 'truth', you are destined not to reach the end." The Queen's tone was a little regretful, " You have completed all the assessments in the game, and you were originally qualified to know the truth. But fate is so cruel, I never expected that such a simple requirement as a bracelet would become the last obstacle in your pursuit of truth."

"Walking in, can you find the 'truth' you mentioned repeatedly?" Liang Fei looked up and down the tunnel.

"Yes. Unfortunately, you can't go in and see for yourself, but I can relay it to you." The queen said.

"Thank you, but I still prefer to witness it with my own eyes." Liang Fei took off the bracelet on his wrist and threw it to the queen. At the moment of throwing the bracelet, take three steps and take two steps, and run into the tunnel leading to reality.

The queen was astonished that Liang Fei took off the bracelet and didn't die. She didn't die until she took the bracelet and looked at it for a while, and then angrily shouted to Liang Fei behind the door: "You lied to me with a fake!"

"You only said you want a bracelet, and the replica bracelet is also a bracelet." Liang Fei's voice came from a distance in the tunnel, but unfortunately, the figure had already disappeared.

The queen gritted her teeth and stared at the corridor as if she wanted to catch Liang Fei back with her eyes.

In the end, there was only one sentence left, "Forget it!"

Then the bracelet turned into a string of exquisite bracelets, happily put it on her own bracelet, hummed a song and walked away.


Liang Fei felt a headache, this kind of headache included physical pain in the head, and also included the drowsiness of a huge amount of information pouring into his mind.

It has been a long time since he deceived the manager queen and entered the "corridor leading to reality", but the pain of lack of realism seemed to last only for a moment.

He obviously opened his eyes, but a series of instructions echoed in his mind repeatedly, asking him to "open his eyes" immediately.

He wanted to vent all the dullness in his head, as if a huge stone was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't get rid of the depression even though he tried his best.

Time continued to pass, and in the experience of nothingness without reference, he seemed to be asleep, and it was like the soul and body was separated, and it was floating in the air.

"Liang Fei."

He heard someone calling him. He looked back reflexively, or just imagined the action of looking back.

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