88: Old Town Lord

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The old city lord put the venue for selecting new leaders in Luosheng City. When night fell, almost everyone would enter Luosheng City to try their luck. Every entrance randomly distributed in Senluo City is automatically opened and closed by its own mechanism after the bell is heard from the bell tower in the center of the city.

Almost all the people trapped in Rasheng City didn't pay attention to these "automatic doors", or they didn't expect the Red Sleeve Gang to be so mad.

"The other brothers who followed me were all poisoned to death on the way back." The intruder said angrily, "The members of the Red Sleeve Gang deceived others so much that they wanted to trap all the people outside the Red Sleeve Gang to death in Luosheng City !"

"Where are the members of the Red Sleeve Gang! I'm going to fight them!" Bad temper rolled up his sleeves, and was about to rush out with a knife in his hand.

His companion quickly grabbed him, turned around and continued to ask the intruder: "Are you sure all the exits are sealed? How did you get the poison?"

Another companion was washing the intruder's wound with water from a jug. The green powder was washed away by the water, exposing the corroded flesh. The wound was painful and itchy, and the intruder bared his teeth and said, "Not sure, at least when I came back, the exits I passed were all blocked."

"I and a few other people originally wanted to attack the Red Sleeve Gang, but I didn't expect to be caught by the Red Sleeve Gang. When they were fighting, they would suddenly sprinkle poisonous powder, and they would run away immediately after confirming that the enemy was poisoned."

"Originally, there was one person who fled back with me, but when I ran halfway, I found that there were more and more poison powder in the passage, and there was a tendency to continue to spread to the depths of Rasheng City. The other person was too poisoned and couldn't persist until the end. "

Liang Fei said solemnly: "Did you meet any members of the Red Sleeve Gang on the way back?"

The intruder shook his head: "I haven't seen any of them."

No wonder Liang Fei and others didn't see the members of the Red Sleeve Gang when they passed by the territory of the Red Sleeve Gang. It turned out that the Red Sleeve Gang had planned to evacuate the members in Luosheng City in advance!

Luosheng City covers a large area, and hundreds of entrances and exits are randomly distributed in Senluo City. Only a super-large organization like the Red Sleeve Gang can block all the exits in a short time.

"Go out and check the situation first." Liang Fei turned to Xie Kun and Gaier.

It is impossible for them to believe the one-sided words of the intruder. Even if it is more risky to go out at this time, they will not stay in this room and wait for death.

The three of them tore off the cloth and dipped it in clean water, covering their faces as much as possible and reducing the exposed skin area. Seeing this, the members of the other team imitated the actions of Liang Fei and the others and armed themselves.

Several people got the clues left by the old city lord, no longer missed this place, and walked out of the room with torches.

There are a total of six passages leading to this place, except for the road that Liang Fei and others walked, the remaining five roads are completely unknown.

Gail wanted to go back the same way, but Liang Fei stopped him: "This road leads to the territory of the Red Sleeve Gang. That person also came back from this road just now. The air in this direction is the most toxic."

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