131: Puppet

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"Stupid! By the time you know the third rule, the soldiers would have already killed you with their abilities." Geng Jing slapped Wu Xingyu on the head.

"That's right, what should we do then?" Wu Xingyu rubbed his head, and said as if waking up from a dream, "Hey, wait! According to this statement, aren't these two rules contradictory?"

Liang Fei did not participate in the debate between Wu Xingyu and Geng Jing. He recalled the performance of Wu Xingyu and Geng Jing when the two teams met for the first time. Compared with the first meeting, both of them seem to have no flaws.

Perhaps he thought too much, "soul exchange" can be understood literally as soldiers taking players' bodies, or soldiers can transfer players' souls to each other, or even exchange souls for something.

Liang Fei originally planned to observe for a period of time before taking other measures, but the reality did not give him such an opportunity.

Geng Jing and Wu Xingyu who were arguing stopped at the same time, Liang Fei and Xie Kun also looked at each other and clenched their weapons. The relaxed atmosphere suddenly changed, and needles could be heard around the bookshelves.

The intruder behind the bookshelf was the first to reveal his identity, Queen Bai Yu Zhu raised her hand and said, "Don't be nervous, it's us."

The young man who was hiding behind Queen Bai popped up and said, "Sister Jingjing, I just heard a cry from your side, are you all right?"

The relationship between Geng Jing and Han Han is relatively good, she went to comfort her, but Liang Fei abruptly stopped her.

"Wait, don't get close." Liang Fei pointed to something in Hanhan's arms and asked, "What are you holding?"

Yu Zhu's face changed when he heard the words, thinking that Liang Fei was deliberately provoking, he said to Geng Jing and Wu Xingyu with a dark face: "Which side are you two on? Have you forgotten the color of the chess pieces in your hand after only being separated for a few minutes?"

"You don't need to be so nervous, I just want to see what he has." Liang Fei said lightly, "We have found some information here, if you can't guarantee that the thing is absolutely safe, you'd better listen to me first Finished."

Yu Zhu pursed his lips and frowned, obviously not intending to give in. Seeing that the team was in danger of splitting, Hanhan quickly jumped out and showed the things in his arms to everyone present.

"Damn it! Isn't that a puppet!" Wu Xingyu took three steps back when he saw what Tao Han was holding, and he didn't forget to drag his girlfriend away.

What Han Han held in his arms was the enlarged version of the puppet soldier. In the eyes of Liang Fei, who has seen the illustrations of soldiers with his own eyes, the vividly carved puppets can come to life almost instantly.

"What happened to the puppet?" Yu Zhu impatiently wanted to take the puppet away.

"If you haven't touched that puppet before, I suggest you don't touch it now." Liang Fei reminded.

"What... what's wrong with this puppet?" Seeing everyone's shy attitude towards the puppet, Hanhan wondered.

From a little flustered. He looked at Yu Zhu with a mournful face, his face full of bewilderment, whether it was right to throw away the puppet, or continue to hold it in his hand.

In order to clear up the misunderstanding, Liang Fei quickly recounted the information they collected. After hearing that her body and soul might be taken away by puppet soldiers, Hanhan desperately wanted to ask Geng Jing for help.

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