39: Break the game with death

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Zhang Yun'an picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, and took a few steps towards Liang Fei stiffly.

"Zhang Yunan, wake up!" Liang Fei tried to wake Zhang Yunan up.

When Zhang Yun'an heard his name, he paused for a moment, but after struggling for less than a second, he returned to a sluggish appearance.

"Hehe, don't do useless work, no one on this ship can escape the control of the sea monster." The murderer who was tied into a rice dumpling laughed wildly.

"I'm not under control." Liang Fei said flatly.

The murderer's eyes were suffocated, and the words that came to his mouth were blocked again.

He also wanted to know why this person could not be controlled. It stands to reason that as long as the Kraken's subordinates make a move, no one can resist at all. This person has been surrounded by these monsters for so long, why can he still maintain his sanity!

"So what if you are not controlled, when you are killed by your companions, there is no need to control you." The murderer sneered.

"What killed?" Someone suddenly asked behind the security personnel.

Liang Fei's expression unconsciously relaxed, knowing that things were almost stable.

"Master, I'm ready." Jia Yue leaned over eagerly, trying to cover up his guilt by diverting his attention.

Liang Fei looked at the two teammates suspiciously, Jiayue came over, why didn't they get out of control?

Jia Yue followed Liang Fei's line of sight, and when Xu Yueqi and Zhang Yun'an came within his line of sight, the two regained consciousness instantly.

The security personnel still remembered Jiayue's ferocity, and they didn't even dare to let out their tails, and all backed away in fear.

Jia Yue turned around and asked, "Master, who is he?"

Just as Liang Fei was about to answer, he caught a glimpse of Zhang Yunan and Xu Yueqi being controlled again from the corner of his eye!

"Let these two people release the control first..." Liang Fei said.

As soon as Jia Yue turned his head, Zhang Yun'an and Xu Yueqi regained their sobriety.

"Master, what's the matter?" Jia Yue asked suspiciously. He turned his head to look at Liang Fei, and the moment he looked away, Zhang Yun'an and Xu Yueqi lost consciousness again!

Liang Fei supported his forehead, and moved Jiayue's head to the two teammates: "These two are under mind control, let them regain consciousness first."

"Oh. I didn't see them just now." Jiayue explained.

In his eyes, these unrelated people all looked similar, and he didn't bother to remember the appearance of the unrelated people. Normally, for him, there is no difference between human beings and furniture.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Liang Fei silently looked at the security personnel who surrounded them. He didn't feel anything two days ago, but now he suddenly noticed something strange. Compared with the croupiers and waiters in Siren Casino, the security guards during the day seem a little... not smart enough?

Zhang Yun'an and Xu Yueqi, who regained their sanity, detained the murderer. Jia Yue walked ahead to open the way. When he took a step forward, the security personnel took a step back, which made Jia Yue, who was a little itchy, very helpless.

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