137: I am the rule

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Liang Fei's premonition soon became a reality.

The two of them coincidentally heard a low sobbing sound coming from the darkness, Liang Fei approached Xie Kun's ear and lowered his voice: "Go and see?"

Xie Kun nodded, changed direction, and walked quickly towards the source of the sound.

"Do you feel that this voice is familiar?" Liang Fei said.

Xie Kun paused, listened for a moment, and replied, "Geng Jing?"

Geng Jing's impression on Liang Fei has always been good, most of the time she is calm and strong. What kind of situation would make this woman cry in a crisis-ridden situation?

The worst prediction finally became a reality. When Liang Fei and Xie Kun found Geng Jing, they only saw a woman kneeling beside a boulder, and a corpse could be vaguely seen between the boulder and her.

Hearing Xie Kun's footsteps, Geng Jing stopped sobbing, turned her head with red eyes.

"It's all your fault..." Geng Jing's voice was hoarse, and she glared at Liang Fei with hatred.

Liang Fei jumped off Xie Kun's back, hopping on one foot, trying to get a few steps closer to Geng Jing.

"Don't come here!" Geng Jing held the bracelet and growled, "One more step forward, and I will die with you!"

"Wait, don't get excited." Liang Fei raised his hands and comforted him, "Tell me what happened first, we are not your enemy."

A faint red light flashed in his eyes for a moment, the ability of mind control was activated quietly, and Geng Jing's emotions were almost soothed in the blink of an eye. She lowered her head and continued to stare blankly at the corpse beside her.

"Wu Xingyu is behind you?" Liang Fei slowed down his speech.

Hearing the word "Wu Xingyu", Geng Jing's emotions became agitated again. She choked up and said, "This idiot has always been clumsy. If it wasn't for your plan, he wouldn't have been stoned to death."

"It's all your fault. I killed him. If the bomb wasn't so powerful, the floor wouldn't collapse..." Geng Jing was talking to herself incoherently, but Liang Fei felt something was wrong. .

Liang Fei and Xie Kun looked at each other and asked, "Wu Xingyu was crushed to death?"

Geng Jing raised her head slowly, looked at Liang Fei silently, she turned her body backwards, Liang Fei finally saw the whole body of the corpse clearly.

Judging from his clothes, it was indeed Wu Xingyu who was crushed under the stone. But only Wu Xingyu's legs and half of his torso were exposed outside. Its head and arms were tightly pressed under the stone.

"It's not right," Liang Fei said, "the first time Xie Kun met Wu Xingyu, Wu Xingyu was trapped under another rock. Even if he escaped by himself and came here alone, he shouldn't be hit by the stone again."

Liang Fei stretched out his hand and pushed the boulder on Wu Xingyu's body, and judged: "The landslide caused by the bomb is only once, if Wu Xingyu really fled here and was smashed, we will at least hear the sound. "

Facts have proved that after Liang Fei and others fell from the fifth floor, they did not hear the sound of any giant falling to the ground.

"You...you mean he wasn't crushed to death?" Geng Jing wiped away tears.

Liang Fei nodded and said, "Let's remove the stone, maybe there will be other clues."

Liang Fei put his hands on the stone and exhausted all his strength, but the stone remained motionless. He looked around, surrounded by rubble and scattered books, with no tools to use.

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