107: Two versions

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Liang Fei carefully unfolded the waste paper. After being soaked in rain, the folded waste paper became even more broken.

The wet paper sticks together, and the black ink smears on the paper. The ink-smeared handwriting could barely be read. Liang Fei flattened the wet paper on his palm, and suddenly found that the contents of the diary had changed slightly.

Before Liang Fei had a closer look at the difference between Wang Quan's diary and the one before the flood, there was a sudden sound of water breaking downstairs.

The black shadow thrown into the water by Xie Kun actually jumped up from downstairs!

According to Liang Fei's estimate of Sombra's strength, after Xie Kun pushed him into the pool, he had to struggle on the first floor for at least a few minutes before he could climb back to the second floor. Unexpectedly, Sombra's strength surged without warning, and it only took a few tens of seconds to appear in front of several people again!

Xie Kun, who was standing near the guardrail, was the closest to Heiying. Seeing Heiying, he wanted to rush over to attack Liang Fei, and wanted to use the old trick to overthrow Heiying again. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hands, before he had time to push his target, the black shadow passed him by lightning, and rushed towards Liang Fei at the door of the classroom!

"Senior!" Xie Kun watched the black shadow grab Liang Fei helplessly, remembering almost jumping up on the spot.

Liang Fei already knew that Sombra was attacking him, and seeing that Sombra was only attacking him without looking sideways, he didn't show a panicked expression, instead he sneered secretly, and waited for Sombra to attack him on his own initiative.

The diary, which was shattered at the touch of a touch, had already been put into his pocket. Liang Fei concentrated on watching the black shadow's movements, and when the black shadow rushed into his attack range, he raised his foot and kicked the black shadow hard in the abdomen!

Sombra can jump directly to the second floor from underwater, and his force value has become several times stronger. Facing the enemy who suddenly became stronger, Liang Fei didn't dare to push himself too hard. After kicking the black shadow, he leaped back lightly and quickly opened the distance from the black shadow.


Hei Ying was kicked hard in the abdomen by Liang Fei, and he let out a strange muffled groan from his throat, and flew backwards with the whole person, falling heavily on the ground.

Liang Fei originally thought that the strength of Sombra would suddenly become stronger, at least the ability to resist beating would not be as weak as before. Unexpectedly, Sombra looked menacing, but he was essentially the same as before.

After the black shadow fell to the ground, he kicked his legs vigorously, turned over and jumped up from the ground. He let out a muffled growl, and stared at Liang Fei with red eyes.

The two sides backed away, looking at each other in vigilance.

Heiying was wearing a school uniform that was so dirty that the original color could hardly be seen, and there were large and small holes in the clothes. If the terrain of the task is not a school building, people who see the shadow will only think he is a beggar.

His hair hadn't been trimmed for an unknown amount of time, and strands were knotted together. The overly long forehead hair covered half of his face, only the bloodshot eyeballs were exposed from the gaps in the hair.

The shape of the black shadow is awkward, but the appearance is still clear. Liang Fei had seen photos posted by all his classmates on the cultural wall on the first floor, but there was no one who looked similar to Hei Ying in the photos.

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