139: Queen

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Compared with the spacious and luxurious third floor, the structure of the second floor is extremely cramped and dilapidated.

It was a small room only half the size of a classroom, and the puppet representing the bishop stood in the corner of the room, waving gracefully at Liang Fei.

The two puppets looked at each other from a distance in the room.

Seeing that Liang Fei didn't answer, the bishop said again: "I never thought that you could make yourself like this?"

"Where is Xie Kun?" Liang Fei went straight to the point.

The bishop immediately fell silent.

It looked left and right, rubbed its hands again, raised its voice an octave, deliberately picked out a cadence, and changed the subject abruptly: "Congratulations, you are about to reach the last floor!"

"This is the reward for completing the game, the key to the last floor." The bishop presented an exquisitely shaped key with both hands, pointing to a door behind it, "Open this door, and you can reach the last floor!"

This key is almost exactly the same as the key Liang Fei obtained from the spider room on the eighth floor. He took the key from the bishop, and the key was smoothly inserted into the door. Just by turning the door handle, he can reach the common destination of all players.

However, Liang Fei hesitated just as he was about to kick the door.

He stood at the door without moving for a long time. There were only Liang Fei and the bishop in the narrow room. When Liang Fei's movements stopped, the room could hear a needle drop.

The bishop behind him poked his head quietly, wanting to see what Liang Fei was hesitating about. After being patient for a while, the bishop rubbed his hands and said, "Why don't you open the door? If you continue to hesitate, maybe other players will come over."

"If other people come, we can go down together." Liang Fei said.

"That can't be done!" the bishop quickly dissuaded. It eagerly explained: "This key can only be used by one person, and the subsequent players are all your enemies."

"Okay. But I think no one can pass all the checkpoints to get here except me." Liang Fei spread his hands.

"How is it impossible? The kid who was hunted down by the chariot with you before, he hitched a ride with you and survived. As long as he passes the knight's level, he can also come over." The bishop spoke quickly. Some, eager to convince Liang Fei.

Liang Fei still stood motionless at the door, his hand was on the doorknob, but he didn't want to twist it.

The bishop was anxious to kick Liang Fei into the door, but he couldn't do that, this was his survival rule, so his eyes flashed red in anxiety.

"I'm a little worried." Liang Fei suddenly lowered his voice, lowered his head and said, "This body makes it difficult for me to deal with emergencies."

The bishop thought he had seen through Liang Fei's tricks, and immediately beamed with joy, and said earnestly, "I can change it for you right away. You want the original body, right?"

Liang Fei nodded, feeling that his vision had changed quite a bit.

Transformation-his body came back. In other words, he regained the same shell as before.

The bishop walked quickly to Liang Fei's side, and said with a smile, "Isn't that a problem?"

Liang Fei raised his wrist, indicating that the ability bracelet was missing.

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