112: Playboy

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Xu Yueqi wanted to struggle again, but suddenly remembered Liang Fei's performance in the cruise ship gambling game, and she swallowed the lie she was about to utter.

She could indeed lie, even if she turned her face and left immediately, Liang Fei would probably not make things difficult for her. However, if she hadn't met Liang Fei, she would have died on the A-level dangerous cruise ship, and she would have no chance to survive until now.

After struggling for a few seconds, she finally lowered her shoulders and nodded in relief.

"Let's talk about it in another place." Xu Yueqi glanced around pointingly. The news of Bai Wang's appearance attracted a large number of reincarnated people to watch in the square. The opportunity to end reincarnation forever is at hand, and no one can restrain their strong curiosity.

This area where thousands of reincarnations gathered is called a black and white town, and all reincarnations with great strength and potential are systematically "stored" in the town. The entire town occupies a small area, and you can cross the town in a few tens of minutes.

Every newcomer who enters the black and white town will get a chess piece that represents his identity. Every time the system gathers a set of 32 chess pieces, it will start a round of life and death game. The selected person will either die in the game of life and death, or win the game, breaking away from the shackles of the reincarnation game. The constant influx of newcomers and the constant departure of the chosen ones kept the population of the town at around 1,000.

There are no entertainment facilities in the town, and people trapped here will not feel hungry, just like dead objects stored in the storage room by the system. Only when necessary, 32 people are randomly selected to form an escape team.

Xu Yueqi found a secluded place and sat on a black square stool, which was backed by a pure white one-story house, and almost no pedestrians passed by.

Looking at the surrounding black and white buildings, Xu Yueqi sighed: "The system does not force people in black and white towns to participate in reincarnation games, but being trapped here is more uncomfortable than going to jail. Even if they know they may die, there are still a lot of people who choose Enter the reincarnation game."

Liang Fei didn't answer, but just stood aside silently, Xu Yueqi knew that if she didn't give a satisfactory answer, the companionship between the two might end. She sighed: "I am indeed an aborigine in the reincarnation world, but I don't think there is any difference between me and a reincarnation."

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"Zhang Yun'an met me by chance when he was performing the mission of reincarnation. After I saw Zhang Yunan using props, I became aware of the existence of the reincarnation world and reincarnation people, and became the so-called 'abnormal aborigines'." Xu Yueqi said, "I waited in the original world. I couldn't go on anymore, so Zhang Yun'an tried to use the system item "The Covenant of Togetherness" to take me away, but I didn't expect it to be successful. After that, I became a member of the reincarnation and bid farewell to the original world."

Liang Fei dared to guess that Xu Yueqi was not an ordinary reincarnation, mainly because of the glasses man Xue You. The man with glasses is a member of the hunting team, so naturally he won't do meaningless actions. His behavior of challenging Xu Yueqi in the Kraken Gambling Game is a good example of the problem, coupled with the concept of "abnormal aborigines" proposed by Zhang Yun'an, and the two of them are still holding props that can be bound to others, he will have this bold move guess.

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