129: Start

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[Have you ever played games? 】

There is only one question that floats across the blank pages.

"Game?" Liang Fei frowned slightly.

Before encountering the reincarnation incident, he was an independent game producer. Of course, he has played a lot of games, and he even understands the essence of games better than most people. And after being involved in supernatural phenomena, it is more to experience various events round after round. Broadly speaking, these events can be classified as "games".

As the ink changes, more and more words are written on the page.

[I've been thinking, what kind of game can be considered interesting? 】

There are many factors that affect the fun of a game. According to past experience, Liang Fei reflexively listed the worldview design, interaction methods, plot settings, art and music elements in his mind, and of course the essential game balance.

These thoughts just passed away in a flash, before Liang Fei could think further, the answer was quickly given on the page.

【I think so......】

[The rule designer cannot participate in the game. 】

At first glance, this sentence makes some sense, but Liang Fei, as a game designer, of course knows that this statement is nonsense.

Perhaps in some games, the game's rule designer participates in the game to affect the game balance. But just like the person who originally designed the rules of chess can also find happiness by playing chess with others, rule design and participation in the game are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

So what is the reason for this phrase to appear here and now?

Simply want to discuss game design experience with players? Or use this to hide the clues to customs clearance?

Or is there some other hidden purpose?

"I don't know what happened to Xie Kun and the other two members of the White Team." Liang Fei was thinking wildly.

He hinted that Xie Kun said that the two white team members had problems and needed someone to monitor, so Xie Kun agreed to temporarily separate from him for the experiment. In fact, he didn't find anything wrong with Wu Xingyu and Geng Jing at all, he just found a reason to distract Xie Kun.

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic his thinking became. It stands to reason that he would not be distracted by thinking about irrelevant things when analyzing clues, but he couldn't control his thoughts at all, as if there was a ball of wool in his mind that could not be untied.


"Liang Fei! Wake up!"


The sound suddenly amplified from far away and near, which woke Liang Fei up with a start. He took a stiff step back, almost bumping into the bookshelf behind him, only to realize that he had stood up before he realized it.


"I lost consciousness just now?" Liang Fei raised his hand to rub his head, but found that he had drawn out the dagger at some point. He took a deep breath and slowly adjusted his emotions, "What did I do when I was unconscious?"

Wu Xingyu answered quickly: "You were just like crazy, you killed everyone you saw, and you were talking to yourself on the bookshelf, saying something like 'Kill everyone and you can pass the level safely' ."

"You still have the nerve to talk about others, you just pinched me like that just now." Geng Jing pinched Wu Xingyu, she watched Liang Fei's process of losing control, and finally let go of her grudge against her boyfriend.

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