123: Weaknesses

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The warm-up game that Liang Fei and others participated in is actually the clearance prompt for this floor. In the field of vision of Liang Fei's team, behind the glass wall were all threatening monsters. In the eyes of the eight "monsters" on the opposite side, Liang Fei and the others were monsters with fangs and sharp nails.

The two teams handcuffed on both sides of the room have different visions, and they think each other is a monster, so they will fight to the death when they are trapped.

In the same way, to human beings, small, black and thin mysterious creatures are monsters. However, in the eyes of these creatures, humans are tall, their forearms are as thick as their thighs, their skin is not covered with scales, and their heads are covered with black hair. These weird-looking human beings are the "monsters" in their eyes.

According to this line of thinking, many things that make Liang Fei feel weird can be explained.

For example, the content of the blood book claims that "monsters caught them for experiments", and the behavior of "doing experiments" is obviously more in line with human behavior patterns. So from the standpoint of human players, the real situation is that humans capture small monsters for experiments and torture them in some way.

And the deliberately blurred part in the blood book happens to be an important game reminder for customs clearance. As long as you deduce what the "***" refers to, you can guess the weaknesses of these skinny monsters.

A large number of monsters gathered in the corridor leading to the exit, and Liang Fei and Xie Kun alone could not forcefully break through the monster's defense line. But if you find out what the monster fears or hates, you can disperse the monster and reach the exit to the next floor.

The key now is, what exactly is "***"?


When Xie Kun returned with the corpse, Liang Fei was sitting in the corner of the corridor in a daze.

The moment their eyes collided, both of them raised their sleeves to show off the spider silk on their wrists. After checking, Xie Kun threw the fake body on the ground.

"Just put it here." Liang Fei pointed to the room behind him.

This is the only way to the exit. As long as other players find the exit, they will definitely find the corpse hidden in the room.

Liang Fei and the two didn't meet other surviving players on this floor, but they found a certain player's body. Perhaps the separated players did not enter different maps, but in different spaces of the same map. After the player dies, the corpse becomes part of the map and will only be seen by players in other spaces.

Liang Fei carefully placed the counterfeit's corpse in a location that would not be too conspicuous, arouse the suspicion of other players, and would not be too hidden. Then he drew out his dagger and chopped off the corpse's two hands. up!

The position where the hand was chopped off happened to destroy the black tattoo, making it impossible to tell whether the reason for the severed arm of the corpse was to hide the tattoo or to take away the bracelet.

Xie Kun stood at the door hesitating to speak, and before he had time to say anything, Liang Fei finished the whole set of actions of destroying corpses and destroying traces, and even simply arranged the battle scene.

"I'll take you to the exit." Liang Fei cleaned up the redundant traces, and beckoned Xie Kun to follow him.

Xie Kun glanced back one last time, and the corpse that was exactly the same as Liang Fei had been completely destroyed, and he could no longer have any bad associations.

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