71: Amnesia

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Duan Zhang pushed Liang Fei to the shore, how could Liang Fei leave Duan Zhang and escape alone.

He tried to catch Duan Zhang with his backhand, but Duan Zhang avoided it nimbly.

"Fei Fei, find a place to hide after you get to the shore, don't go near the lake for now, I will go find you." Duan Zhang said.

Liang Fei glanced at the shore of the lake thousands of meters away, and suddenly realized that the matter might be more serious than he imagined.

Duan Zhang has been with him almost every step of the way, but now he is allowed to swim alone to the shore thousands of meters away, facing an unknown lake alone, which shows that Duan Zhang has no energy to spare to protect him, so he can only take separate actions The way to hold the monster, buy him time to escape.

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What are these three fish monsters that make Duan Zhang so passive!

Liang Fei and Duan Zhang entered the water first, and were not attacked by the fish monster for the time being, but the boat fell into chaos in just over ten seconds.

The people on the boat thought that Duan Zhang was crazy, so they took the initiative to jump into the monster's domain. Unexpectedly, these fish monsters didn't care about Duan Zhang and Liang Fei, who were close at hand, and instead attacked the people on the boat.

Standing next to Duan Zhang, Guo Xueyi saw Duan Zhang push Liang Fei into the water with his own eyes. He was the person closest to the edge of the yacht, but he missed the opportunity to jump off the boat because he was too shocked.

"Don't...don't come here!" Guo Xueyi retreated tremblingly, in front of him was a fish monster that had just climbed up from the water, moved its claws and bared its teeth at him.

This humanoid fish monster has no eyelids, and its two huge eyeballs stared straight at him, revealing an undisguised appetite.

Guo Xueyi was so stared at by such eyes that his whole body was stiff, and he could hardly take a step to escape.

"Roar-" the monster's voice was hoarse, and it let out an ugly roar.

Guo Xueyi was awakened suddenly by the voice, and ran to the edge of the yacht, trying to get out.

However, as soon as he raised his legs, before he had time to climb out of the fence, the monster with all four limbs on the ground suddenly shot at him, and its sharp nails almost grabbed his head!


A sharp arrow pierced through the wind, forcing back the monster jumping in mid-air.

Guo Xueyi rode on the fence covered in cold sweat, turned around and realized that it was Ye Menglei who started the attack.

Ye Menglei no longer deliberately dragged her voice, and hurriedly said: "Big Tutu went to find life-saving equipment, Yu Tao can't swim."

Guo Xueyi paused, no one present could deal with the fish monster, and now they should be in a state of running for their lives. But Ye Menglei's arrow just now not only saved his life, but also pulled the hatred value of the fish monster onto herself, creating a chance for him to escape.

As soon as he was cruel, he still couldn't do the thing of running away like this, so he retracted the legs he had stepped forward, and rushed to the place where the swimming ring was hung.

On the deck, Qiao Wenjian stood at the front of the deck and was the first to be entangled when the first fish monster attacked. He waved the cross-bow in his hand, aiming at the monster's eyes with a few arrows.

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