96: Novice Game

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Only Xie Kun can come up with so many moths.

Liang Fei adjusted his facial expression, tried his best to remain calm and said, "Where did you go before?"

The silver-haired young man's expression froze when he heard the words, and he looked away guiltily, not daring to accuse Liang Fei with his eyes again.

Luo Xinyu who stood aside looked like he had just swallowed a fly. A minute ago, this was her home field, she was about to say that sentence, where did this silver hair come from, and even one sentence disturbed the atmosphere!

Liang Fei is a well-known celebrity in the school, not only because of his outstanding appearance and ability, but also because he skipped two grades in a row, and his appearance is relatively young. There is a stark contrast between his underage appearance and his calm and calm personality, which not only attracted the attention of a large number of alumni for him, but also ignited his topicality.

Being able to enter the same game as Liang Fei was a surprise to Luo Xinyu. After showing kindness to Liang Fei, she actually received a kind response. Originally, as long as she continued to maintain this state, coupled with the influence of the suspension bridge effect, maybe she could really have something to do with Liang Fei.

However, the above fantasies burst like bubbles the moment this weird silver-haired man appeared.

Not only Luo Xinyu's mood was complicated, but Liang Fei's mind was also full of doubts.

The silver-haired young man who appeared suddenly looked about twenty years old, between a mature man and a teenager. He has an outstanding appearance, his silver hair is slightly messy, and the scattered silver forehead hair is combed up at will, exposing a small part of his forehead, adding a bit of laziness to his overall temperament.

Although he eagerly called Liang Fei senior, but from the appearance, no matter in height, shape or appearance, he was slightly older than the shrunken version of Liang Fei.

Liang Fei frowned slightly. If the silver-haired man knew him well, why did the silver-haired youth act alone at the beginning of the game and act so indifferently?

If their relationship wasn't great, why did the silver-haired youth come to him?

He was puzzled, and didn't know how to ask the silver-haired young man. What's more, Luo Xinyu was present here, and he didn't want to reveal too much information in front of others.

"Senior, what were you doing here just now?" Seeing that Liang Fei was silent, the silver-haired youth asked proactively.

Someone finally broke the silence. Luo Xinyu was not willing to be left alone, so she took the initiative to intervene: "Senior Liang Fei was so powerful just now, we were chased by the betrayers all the way, I thought we couldn't escape. Fortunately, Senior Liang Fei Find the truck here, use the truck tires to kill the traitor..."

"Senior, what were you doing here just now?" The silver-haired youth asked again without changing his tone.

Luo Xinyu was immediately embarrassed, and Liang Fei sensed the unhappiness between the two of them, so he helplessly said, "Luo Xinyu and I were forced to clash with a murderer. The betrayer is Feng Tiantian, and his death has been confirmed."

Hearing this, the silver-haired young man immediately showed a look of admiration and longing, and looked at Liang Fei with sparkling eyes, which made Liang Fei almost want to cover his eyes.

"You haven't said where you went before." Liang Fei said.

The silver-haired youth chose to act alone at the beginning of the game. The murderers on campus all have positioning skills, so it is no safer to act alone than in a team. This person can survive until now with his own strength, either because of his strong personal strength, or because he has props that can save his life.

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