47: Sissy

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The man on the ground was wearing a white coat, the typical researcher uniform of the Gross Institute. The people Liang Fei had most contact with in the Gross Institute were researchers, so he recognized him immediately.

Liang Fei stepped forward and grabbed the collar of the white coat, but saw that the shape of the badge on the man's chest was not consistent with the badge of the Gross Research Institute.

"Which research institute are you from?" Liang Fei asked.

"I...I'm not from the research institute!" The white coat frantically denied, "I took this clothes off a corpse!"

He quickly took off the badge and showed it to Liang Fei.

The name of the institute on the badge is not the Gross Institute. The word Song Xi is engraved on the metal plate, and a photo of a passport is printed on the back of the badge, and there is a string of identification codes beside it.

Liang Fei compared the photo next to the face in the white coat, and it turned out that they were not the same person.

"My name is Xia Jue, not this Song Xi." The white coat squeezed out a smile.

Just a badge does not prove that the white coat is not lying.

Liang Fei has seen eleven of the people thrown into the penalty area, and even the only woman is all muscular. This person who calls himself Xia Jue is the thinnest one he has ever seen.

Liang Fei doubted: "Have you heard of the Gross Institute?"

Xia Jue froze for a moment, then quickly shook her head.

"Have you ever heard of the name Nie Ming?" Liang Fei asked again.

Xia Jue tried hard to recall for a while, but still shook his head in a daze.

Liang Fei let go of Xia Jue's collar, with a regretful expression. The white coats of the research institute are all similar in shape, he must have thought too much.

He was immersed in the emotion of regret, and he didn't notice the sudden sharp eyes of the hunting bird when he heard the name "Nie Ming".

After Liang Fei finished asking the questions he wanted to ask, the interrogator was replaced by She Ya.

Xia Jue had just watched Shou Ya's fighting state from start to finish in the corner, and seeing Shou Ya approaching him with a sneer, she was so frightened that she almost curled up into a ball in the corner.

Before the hunting crow opened his mouth, Xia Jue said quickly like pouring beans: "My name is Xia Jue, I just turned 24 years old, my parents died and I have no brothers or sisters! There is only one golden retriever named Sissy at home, and it has been almost two days I haven't fed it! Please don't kill me, I know a lot of things..."

"Shut up!" Shou Ya got a headache from Xia Jue's rapid-fire speech, and stabbed the dagger to the ground.

Xia Jue suddenly fell silent as if the pause button had been pressed.

"How much do you know about controlling your team?" Hunting Crow said.

Seeing that Shou Ya was still willing to listen to him, Xia Jue quickly sat down from the corner and said honestly, "I know this."

"They are a team that has been established since the beginning of the escape game. In the beginning, there were only weak people who woke up a few hours ago in the team, and more and more strong people joined them later. Now the preparation period is over, the strongest The group of people has also awakened, and it is estimated that some of these people have already joined the team."

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