65: Scars

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If Liang Fei mentioned that the speed of the kayak was not fast enough, Duan Zhang would definitely throw a few more people into it. For the safety of several teammates, Liang Fei kept his mouth shut and never asked about the speed of the ship.

After being dismissed by the boss for not being fast enough, both Yu Tao and Meng Kai worked hard, and the speed of the kayak was further improved. Originally, there was still an hour's journey away, but it was abruptly compressed by the two of them to less than 40 minutes.

After reaching the other side of the lake, Fang Yunfeng remained silent. After finding out that he was also deceived by Tong Wenwen, he seemed to have lost his goal suddenly, and he looked depressed and decadent.

Liang Fei didn't expect that this person would continue to lead the way for them, so he let Yu Tao tie him up and went ashore to check the terrain by himself.

The layout of the shore was very similar to the place where Liang Fei and the others boarded the boat. Weeds grew up to the waist at the junction of water and land, and there were dense forests on the shore.

"Didn't you say that the other side of the lake is full of beasts? Why didn't I even see a mouse?" Yu Tao pulled the rope fiercely, and Fang Yunfeng, who was tied into a rice dumpling, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Fang Yunfeng looked like he didn't hear Yu Tao's question at all, and lowered his head listlessly, not interested in anything.

Seeing that this person didn't know good from bad, Yu Tao took two steps forward and kicked Fang Yunfeng on the back.


Fang Yunfeng was caught off guard by the kick, and his knees bent and he fell to the ground, still looking like he was dying.

Yu Tao became angry and wanted to continue beating others, but Duan Zhang stopped him and said, "Yu Tao, don't use violence all the time. What if you leave sequelae for others?"

If Liang Fei had heard Duan Zhang say this an hour ago, he might not have guessed Duan Zhang's attitude.

After Duan Zhang threw Tong Wenwen off the boat with a smile on his face, he stopped guessing Duan Zhang's purpose. This person must be thinking something bad now.

When Yu Tao saw the boss talking, he immediately stopped beating people, walked over to help Fang Yunfeng who was on the ground, and even patted the dust on his body.

Duan Zhang smiled and said, "Have you ever been behind the woods?"

Fang Yunfeng hated the culprit who left Tong Wenwen behind. He snorted coldly and ignored Duan Zhang's question at all.

"Boss, you have also seen it, it is impossible for this person to cooperate without violence." Yu Tao took the opportunity to persuade.

Duan Zhang still shook his head, and asked again in a good-tempered manner.

Fang Yunfeng was about to sneer, but he just opened his mouth, but what he let out was a scream.

Duan Zhang held his arm with one hand, grabbed his palm with the other, pulled Fang Yunfeng's wrist hard with both hands, and even dislocated Fang Yunfeng's wrist!

"You! You fucking..." Fang Yunfeng was sweating in pain, gritted his teeth and glared at Duan Zhang viciously.

Duan Zhang still had a smile on his face, turned his head and said to Tao Wen and taught, "This way there will be no sequelae, and no trace of injury can be seen."


After Duan Zhang shared his torture experience with Yu Tao, he took Fang Yunfeng's wrist back. Before Fang Yunfeng finished half a sentence of cursing, his wrist felt a sharp pain again, and he screamed again, trembling and losing the strength to curse.

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