76: Vegetative

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Liang Fei was taken aback by the scene in front of him, almost lost his footing and threw himself directly into the room.

In the cramped and dark room, the sunlight outside the window was completely blocked by the blackout curtain, only a light yellow floor lamp in the corner illuminated. Song Ya stood in the corner of the room, muttering to a small bed, and said sweet words of confession, but there was no joy or embarrassment on her face.

The quilt on the narrow bed was slightly bulging, and the outline of a human figure could be seen. Song Ya held her dry left hand, a little impatience flashed in her eyes.

After the initial shock dissipated, Liang Fei realized that the person on the bed might not be a mummy, but a skinny and pale living person!

The quilt covering his chest undulated slightly, and the person lying on the bed still retained his vitality for the time being. Although the man on the bed was muscular and haggard, but from the state of his hair and skin, he could be distinguished as a young man.

Isn't this Xie Kun's resort, why is there a vegetable lying there?

Liang Fei was puzzled by the scene in front of him, but Song Ya, who was still "confessing affectionately", suddenly turned around as if she had eyes in the back of her head. Liang Fei didn't have time to hide, and was caught by Song Ya.

"Song...Miss Song." Liang Fei said awkwardly.

Song Ya's expression changed suddenly, as if she had discovered some ulterior secret, she threw her dry hand heavily, and rushed towards Liang Fei angrily.

"Who allowed you to come in!" Song Ya roared with a ferocious face.

Liang Fei knew he was wrong, and accidentally broke Song Ya's secret, so he could only apologize while retreating into the corridor.

"Sorry, I just passed by here by chance." Liang Fei said.

"Passing by by chance? Didn't the housekeeper warn you not to come to the fourth floor!" Song Ya tore off the friendly camouflage at the beginning, and her words and demeanor were only aggressive.

"It's just a few stray dogs taken in by Mr. Xie kindly. How dare you step on your master's house with your dirty feet?" Song Ya sarcastically said, "Believe it or not, I can get you out with just one word, even if you are kneeling No one will let you in at the gate of the villa!"

Liang Fei put away the sincerity on his face, and his face darkened. Seeing that Liang Fei dared to express dissatisfaction in front of her, Song Ya became even more angry instantly. She grabbed the vase on the bedside table and bared her teeth and claws to smash Liang Fei, while shouting: "I want you to get out of here!" Get out! Get out of the resort!"

Liang Fei still couldn't figure out Xie Kun's attitude towards him. He didn't want to make trouble and make people hate him, so he ignored Song Ya's abuse and backed out of the room.

"Song Ya." A cold voice suddenly came from outside the house, "When did you think you could influence my decision?"

Song Ya paused, and the anger and madness in her eyes disappeared instantly, turning into eyes full of regret and grievance.

The wheelchair stopped quietly behind Liang Fei at some point, and Xie Kun looked at him with heavy eyes, as if to confirm whether he was injured.

"Xie...Mr. Xie, I didn't do it on purpose." Song Ya said aggrievedly, "He broke into the fourth floor privately, and quietly stood outside the door to peep like a ghost. I just want to drive him out when I'm afraid."

Xie Kun's eyes were still on Liang Fei, and he ignored Song Ya's grievance. Seeing this, Song Ya hated Liang Fei even more, and almost wanted to throw Liang Fei out of the fourth floor with her eyes.

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