06: Air vent

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This is what the security team saw when they arrived at the scene.

The test drug rats came from nowhere, wearing only a volunteer uniform like a large dress, riding bare-legged on Dr. Nie's waist, pressing their respectful and fearful immediate boss to the ground.

The little white mice scurry around somewhere, and the clothes on their bodies are full of blood, and even a lot of blood dripped on their clean freak Dr. Nie!

And this little white mouse seemed not satisfied, not only riding on Dr. Nie's waist, but also pressing his upper body down, supporting Dr. Nie's ears with both hands, dyeing Dr. Nie's spotless white coat with a new pattern.

Liang Fei who supported Nie Ming turned into petrification.

After smelling the suddenly strong smell of water, he originally thought that all the monsters in the maze had gathered outside the obstacle, and he was even mentally prepared for a desperate battle.

Unexpectedly, after the obstacle was removed, there was only a corpse of a monster left outside. The person who killed the monster was the security team that was watching him and Dr. Nie.

Liang Fei quickly stood up, looked down and saw Nie Ming was still lying on the ground, and stretched out his right hand to him.

The surrounding melon-eating guards were stunned, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on Liang Fei's right hand, because there were not only blood stains that had begun to change color, but also sticky monster body fluids on that hand.

How dare the little white mouse touch Dr. Nie with such dirty hands! The right leg is going to be amputated, don't you even want your right hand? !

Before the guards could finish complaining in their heads, Nie Ming calmly took Liang Fei's hand and stood up. In this regard, Liang Fei is even more convinced that the lack of physical strength of the civil service attribute, as expected, the villain has to take care of himself.

The guard reported to Nie Ming the process of cleaning up the monsters, while Liang Fei listened and roughly figured out what was going on here.

This area is the feeding area for monsters. The volunteer who attacked him strayed into this place because of his curiosity, and was chased by monsters.

The remaining dozen or so monsters were only anesthetized by the guards, and they had to be carried back to their cages later.

As for what these monsters are and why the volunteer attacked him, it is impossible to speculate.

Nie Ming seemed to have some things to deal with, and was eagerly asked to leave by several researchers. Liang Fei's amputation operation was temporarily put on hold, so the researcher took him back to the volunteer rest area, and it is estimated that he will not trouble him again in a short time.

Before the two separated, Liang Fei did not forget to take a look at Nie Ming's attribute changes.

[The villain's abstinence value: 77]

Liang Fei knew it in his heart, he recalled the intentional closeness to Dr. Nie before, and felt that he had found the right direction of action, and it was almost just around the corner to reduce the villain's abstinence value to zero.


Liang Fei returned to the rest area. When the door was slowly opened, the three teammates all showed shocked expressions.

A few hours ago, in their hearts, Liang Fei had already become a cannon fodder rookie who lost his right leg and could not survive until the end of the game.

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