103: Diary

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The item Liang Fei obtained was a knife-cleaning cloth with no offensive power, and Luo Xinyu's cross-shaped bow was slightly better, barely able to shoot through truck tires.

Xie Kun's props are completely different. The long knife of nearly 1.5 meters looks full of lethality. The dark shadows in the corridor looked like enemies but not friends, Liang Fei had to plan ahead.

"Can you take out your knife?" Liang Fei asked again.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Xie Kun could only touch his right wrist reluctantly. A black long knife suddenly appeared in Xie Kun's hand, Xie Kun's right hand suddenly twisted, and with a "bang", the long knife hit the ground heavily.

Or let's say it hit Xie Kun's foot...

Liang Fei saw that Kun's complexion was slightly distorted, knowing that this blow was a smash. He sighed secretly in his heart. He guessed that the Xie Kun who appeared now was a good-for-nothing, but he didn't expect to be so good-for-nothing that he couldn't even hold his own weapon.

Xie Kun looked at him pitifully, his face full of self-deprecation that he knew he couldn't hold a weapon.

He bent down helplessly, ready to help Xie Kun pick up the knife. He held the handle of the knife with one hand and lifted it up, suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his waist.

"Senior?" Seeing Liang Fei bent over and not moving for a long time, Xie Kun couldn't help reminding him.

"Put the knife away." Liang Fei straightened up expressionlessly.

Xie Kun withdrew his long knife in some doubts, as if he didn't understand what Liang Fei was tossing about. After Liang Fei stood up, he calmly rubbed the side of his waist that was almost twisted, and looked at Xie Kun's wrist with a complicated expression.

Can such a heavy knife really be swung to cut people? !

He can almost confirm that Xie Kun is not an ordinary rookie. Luo Xinyu said that campus escape is a novice game, but Xie Kun's weapon unabashedly proves that his identity is not simple.


The flashing black shadow in the corridor had long since disappeared without a trace, Liang Fei was not in a hurry to find out what the black shadow was, and instead focused on the classrooms on the first floor.

Now the mission objective and the biggest obstacle to completing the mission are basically clear. They were trapped in a "bucket" made of back-shaped buildings. According to current rain estimates, the entire teaching building will be submerged within two hours.

Paper boats couldn't float on standing water, and they couldn't swim in it. The tables, chairs and benches in the classroom are all fixed to the ground, and there is no way to pile up an escape route. In order to survive as long as possible, they can only keep climbing up the teaching building.

But before that, Liang Fei planned to seize the time to investigate clues in the classroom before the rain flooded the first floor.

During the period of their waking up, they have not encountered any substantial crisis. Whether it is the rain that acts as a countdown, the closed windows, or the flickering shadows in the corridor, it all implies that this round of the game is biased towards puzzle-solving style.

Since it is a time-limited escape room, the first priority is of course to collect information. Liang Fei returned to the classroom where they first woke up, and re-examined all the layouts in the classroom.

The windows facing the outside of the teaching building were nailed to death with iron plates, and there was no possibility of escape. Only the top of the other wall has a few ventilation windows, completely separating the corridor from the classroom. In order to prevent the white walls from being too monotonous, this wall became a "class culture wall", covered with colorful paper-cuts and photos of the whole class.

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