101: Change map

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The aftermath of the dust explosion destroyed the entire house, and the blazing flame exploded behind Xie Kun.

Xie Kun didn't even look at the center of the explosion behind him, and walked away calmly with a long knife on his shoulder, with a leisurely look as if he was shopping.

Liang Fei froze at the edge of the explosion range, the lighter in his hand hadn't come in handy yet. According to the original plan, Xie Kun only needs to lead the chainsaw killer to the vicinity of the room, and the rest is Liang Fei's task.

However, the actual situation was completely different from what Liang Fei expected. The identities of the pursuer and the pursued were switched, and the chainsaw killer became the one being hunted down.

And the reason for all these changes is from Xie Kun who is carrying a long knife.

Xie Kun's attire was the same as when he left, except that he carried an extra long knife on his shoulder. The length of the long knife was nearly 1.5 meters, and the whole body was pure black. If you look closely, you can find complicated and delicate patterns on the scabbard.

After the aftermath of the explosion ended, Liang Fei confirmed that the chainsaw massacre at the center of the explosion was dead, but when he turned around, he saw Xie Kun walking away without looking back.

"Xie Kun?" Liang Fei chased after him in two steps, wanting to ask where Xie Kun planned to go.

However, Xie Kun continued to walk away steadily as if he had not heard Liang Fei's voice.

Liang Fei sensed the sense of disobedience on Xie Kun's body, and ran to Xie Kun's side, trying to pull Xie Kun's sleeve.

"Senior..." Xie Kun took a step back, allowing Liang Fei to catch up.

"Are we familiar?" He asked with a half-smile.

Liang Fei paused, a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

Why did this person lose his memory after not seeing him for a while?

...becoming stronger, but also losing memory?

"Xie Kun...you don't remember me?" Liang Fei just blurted out, and immediately felt that this question was a bit silly. Xie Kun already called him "Senior", obviously he remembered him. I just don't know what happened, but Xie Kun's attitude towards him turned around 180 degrees.

"Senior Liang Fei." Xie Kun straightened the sleeve that was almost caught by Liang Fei, and took a few steps back to distance himself from Liang Fei, "Since you also know that we are not familiar, please stay away from me."

After all, Xie Kun ignored Liang Fei's expression, turned his head and left decisively.

Liang Fei looked at Xie Kun's back, but didn't catch up immediately. Xie Kun's attitude towards him changed too much, which made him a little uncomfortable for a while. He even wondered if Xie Kun would draw his sword to retaliate if he followed him regardless.

"Liang... Senior Liang Fei," Luo Xinyu thought that Liang Fei and Xie Kun were going to leave, and hurriedly chased them out from the dark place, "Senior, where are you going?"

Liang Fei shook his head and looked towards the direction where Xie Kun left. He didn't know where Xie Kun was going.

"Senior, what's wrong with him?" Luo Xinyu looked at Xie Kun suspiciously.

Both of them saw Xie Kun's performance just now. A good-for-nothing with almost zero attack power suddenly became stronger than a chainsaw killer. knife.

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