12: Anti-kill

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Liang Fei played with the small piece of metal in his hand, and asked seemingly casually: "What is this? A poison that can kill people instantly?"

"Of course it's not a poison that kills instantly." Ding Yan reassured, "For your safety, why would I give you something that would set you on fire?"

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Ding Yan touched the metal block and retracted the thin needle on it: "Anyone who is pricked by this needle will instantly lose consciousness and the muscles of the whole body will be paralyzed. From the perspective of others, it is like hypoglycemia caused by hypoglycemia. Fainted. As long as you stab him when you have physical contact with Nie Ming, even if his people are around, you can escape while others are helping Nie Ming."

"It's as simple as the person being stabbed just fainting?" Of course, Liang Fei didn't believe that the damage caused by this small button would be so small.

"This is a kind of nerve poison with a delayed effect. If the corresponding antidote is not used in time after being poisoned, even in this research institute rich in drugs, he will undoubtedly die." Ding Yan explained.

Liang Fei tried the method of using the small metal block, and after confirming that he had fully mastered the technique, he put it in his pocket: "I agree to cooperate with you, but you must first express your sincerity."

"Helping you escape from the research institute is just a matter of effort for me, I don't need to lie to you." Ding Yan laughed.

Liang Fei was unmoved. Seeing that Ding Yan was unwilling to offer a price, he suggested, "I need a way out that won't cause me huge losses even if you break the contract."

"I want a complete map of the institute, and a patrol schedule for each important checkpoint."

Ding Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Liang Fei with a slight coldness in his eyes: "You want to escape from the research institute by yourself?"

The internal defense equipment of the research institute is not perfect, otherwise there would be no monsters escaping from the cage and running around in the volunteer area. If Liang Fei obtained the complete map of the research institute and the patrol schedule, he might ignore the mission assigned to him by Ding Yan and escape from the research institute by himself.

Liang Fei also knew that making such a request would arouse Ding Yan's vigilance. He explained: "To steal something from Nie Ming, you first need to be familiar with the environment of the research institute. If I don't even know the map and patrol time, I don't know Possibly flexible activities within the Institute."

There is some truth in saying this. Compared to killing Nie Ming directly, Ding Yan still prefers to get what he wants. He roughly thought for a while before agreeing to Liang Fei's request, and added a condition: "I can give you the patrol schedule, but the map can only give you the part of the core area."

"The things I want can only be stored in the core area. In order to prevent the mouse from slipping away, the maps of other areas cannot be given to you for the time being."

In order to avoid arousing Ding Yan's suspicion, Liang Fei no longer raised any other conditions, and he reached a consensus with Ding Yan.

Seeing that Liang Fei was so knowledgeable, Ding Yan was in a good mood. He walked into the room with a smile and motioned his subordinates to take out a black suitcase. After the suitcase was opened, Liang Fei discovered that it was a laptop.

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