33: Assassination

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"How is it possible..." Xu Yueqi's first reaction was to deny Liang Fei's conjecture, but Liang Fei's two bets left her with such a deep positive impression that she regretted it as soon as she uttered this rebuttal.

"No, I'm not denying you, I just feel a little unbelievable..." She quickly defended her tone just now.

Liang Fei was still looking at the list in his hand and meditating, not noticing Xu Yueqi's flustered reaction at all.

After being silent for a while, Liang Fei clicked on a certain woman's photo and said, "Do you still have any impression of this woman?"

Xu Yueqi leaned over to take a look. The photo showed a woman with heavy make-up. Under the thick makeup, her original appearance could hardly be seen. She looked at the woman's name and age-Kong Sisi, 32 years old.

There was nothing special about the name and personal information, but those eyes looked familiar. Xu Yueqi recalled it for a long time, and finally patted her head and said, "It's the woman who took off her clothes at the Kraken Casino last night!"

Before Liang Fei was challenged by Wang Jin, he, Xu Yueqi and others had been watching the Siren Gambling for a while, and happened to encounter a scene where a woman lost all her chips and was forced to take off her clothes.

Although Jia Yue covered Liang Fei's eyes with the fastest speed when the woman was undressing, he was always a step too late, and Liang Fei watched everything he needed to see.

"Before the siren game ended, I paid attention to the chips in the hands of the surrounding guests." Liang Fei said.

This woman named Kong Sisi happened to be gambling near the sofa where Liang Fei and the others rested last night. When three o'clock in the morning came, Kong Sisi still had at least a dozen chips in his hand, and it stands to reason that he would never be wiped out by the Kraken because of insufficient chips.

But she died anyway.

"Where did you get this list?" Liang Fei asked.

Xu Yueqi recalled the scene that made her feel sick, she pursed her lips and said, "There is a place to dispose of corpses on the ship, and Yun An and I went to compare it in person."

Xu Yueqi and Zhang Yunan saw Kong Sisi's body with their own eyes, so this woman is really dead, and there is no mistake in the list.

"Could it be the crew on the ship who killed it?" Xu Yueqi asked.

"Are there any external wounds on the body?"

Xu Yueqi recalled: "There was indeed a trauma. Her head was hit with a blunt instrument, and the back of her head was full of blood."

The other ten people who were killed by the sea monster all looked peaceful, as if they had not experienced any pain before death, only Kong Sisi was killed by a blunt weapon.

Thinking of this suspicious point, Xu Yueqi also began to doubt the cause of Kong Sisi's death.

Just when the two were wondering, there was another knock on the door.

"It's Yun'an." Xu Yueqi ran to open the door, and the door was Zhang Yun'an holding a stack of printing paper.

"Jiang Ke's information." Zhang Yun'an said briefly.

On the first day Liang Fei entered this mission world, he was picked on by Sun Qiang, claiming that he had killed a person, and the person "killed by Liang Fei" was Jiang Ke.

Jiang Ke's interpersonal relationship on this cruise ship is very simple, he only knows Sun Qiang, and after Sun Qiang swam with sharks, he died in the siren game last night.

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