118: The next floor

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"I stabbed you?" Liang Fei almost laughed angrily. When Xie Kun was injured, he was chained and fighting with a group of "monsters". How could he have the opportunity to stab Xie Kun.

Xie Kun, who was leaning against the wall, looked up, with accusation and grievance in his eyes: "I saw it with my own eyes..."

Before finishing his accusation, Xie Kun seemed to be afraid that Liang Fei would become angry, so he left him here to fend for himself, and quickly put on a sincere and pitiful expression: "No matter what the senior does to me, I will not blame the senior."

Being able to say such words proves that Xie Kun in front of him has already become a 100% pure trash. Liang Fei found a small group of unused bandages from his pocket, and threw it at Xie Kun casually.

If it was the boss version of Xie Kun, he would definitely not be hit by such a small thing. The bandage ball slowly drew an arc and landed right in the middle of Xie Kun's head. The waste dim sum shrank his neck, as if he didn't understand what Liang Fei was doing.

He raised his head with the bandage on his head, looked innocently at Liang Fei: "Senior?"

A minute ago, he was still kicking bombs and tearing enemies apart. In just a moment of turning around, the big guy turned into a pitiful one!

After confirming that Xie Kun's combat power had returned to zero, Liang Fei rubbed the center of his brows, temporarily putting aside these messy things. Although Xie Kun in the waste wood version has no force value, he has a high degree of affection for him, and the most important thing is to be obedient, let alone draw a sword against each other. Now at least he doesn't have to worry about being separated from Xie Kun, and he doesn't need to follow him secretly.

"Do you remember what happened just now?" Liang Fei said.

Xie Kun turned his head to look at the bloodstain in the middle of the corridor and the two closed doors, and nodded hesitantly.

Liang Fei squatted beside Xie Kun, carefully unbuttoning his clothes. The two versions of Xie Kun's memories should be interoperable. No wonder the boss Xie Kun looked at him with such weird eyes when he mentioned stabbing.

"Now tell me the details of how you were stabbed." Liang Fei said while re-bandaging Xie Kun's wound.

"Senior, don't you remember what happened just now?" Xie Kun was shocked.

"Oh!" Xie Kun frowned in pain, and the way to bandage the wound suddenly became more serious, which suddenly intensified the pain in his abdomen. He looked up and saw Liang Fei's expressionless face, and immediately answered the question calmly and obediently: "I was thrown into the game of life and death alone. After listening to a puppet explain the rules, I left the initial room to find the senior as soon as possible."

Xie Kun recalled the scene when he just entered the game of life and death.

When he first entered the game, Xie Kun did not become a good-for-nothing Xie. There was a small monster in the initial room where he was located. After the small monster was easily eliminated, the puppet announced that Jie Kun had passed the warm-up game.

At this time, Xie Kun did not deliberately look for Liang Fei, but just followed the rules of the game to find the passage to the next floor. The queen can't complete the game by killing the king, so he has no interest in finding the enemy team. As long as you guard the exits of each floor and kill everyone except him, you will naturally become the final winner.

But a few minutes later, his "Player Removal Plan" was temporarily interrupted because he encountered a very troublesome person.

The figure of "Liang Fei" appeared at the corner of the corridor, and he stumbled towards Xie Kun, seemingly seriously injured.

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