21: Encounter on a Narrow Road

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Liang Fei was stunned, what does it mean that all the living corpses are out of control?

Aren't all the monsters turned into mummies and sealed in the nutrition cabin of the storage room?

"This is the highest level alarm of the research institute." Nie Ming said indifferently, "Ding Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore."

"Then...then what should we do now?" Liang Fei really wanted to say whether he should hide outside the research institute and let him complete the escape mission by the way.

Nie Ming seemed to have seen through Liang Fei's idea of ​​sneaking out, and ruthlessly said: "After the highest alarm of the research institute is sounded, all access control to the outside world will be temporarily locked, and no one can open the access control card. ."

Liang Fei's face was ashamed: "Why is there such a rule? If something really happened, wouldn't everyone here be dead?"

"The research institute has stored a large number of living corpse experiments, and these experiments must not be allowed to escape control," Nie Ming said. The implication is that even if all the researchers are sacrificed, the door cannot be opened to allow the experimental subject to escape.

Liang Fei really wanted to complain, the "price" that was destined to be sacrificed included you, the villain boss, why did you still look calm when you were about to die.

"If the situation gets further out of control, the institute will initiate a self-destruct procedure." Nie Ming continued calmly, "We must return to the control center as soon as possible to prevent the situation from deteriorating."

From the moment Liang Fei chose to stay and deal with Tian Yi, it was equivalent to boarding a thief ship. There were still five hours before the end of the mission, he glanced at the direction of the exit, and could only secretly pray in his heart that the chaos would subside within five hours.

Tian Yi's pistol was collected by Liang Fei. Although there were only two bullets left, it was better than nothing.

The process of killing Tian Yi was simpler than he imagined. He just hid in an imperceptible blind spot, used the car mirror to observe Tian Yi's movement, and hit him easily. Thinking about it now, it is very likely that Tian Yi thought he had escaped from the research institute, so he didn't have too much defense against him.

As for the bullet that made Tian Yi lose his ability to resist, Liang Fei held the small weapon Nie Ming gave him. He didn't expect the power of this weapon to be so terrifying. Not only could it make the part of the monster hit lose moisture and turn into a mummified corpse, it also seemed to have a similar effect when used on humans.

Thinking of Tian Yi's painful and distorted scene before his death, Liang Fei couldn't help being more cautious about this weapon, and only hoped that he wouldn't get shot in the next five hours.

During the time when Liang Fei was distracted, Nie Ming had already led him to the edge of the core area of ​​the research institute at the fastest speed.

Nie Ming, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. Liang Fei bumped into Nie Ming's back inadvertently.

"Is the wound okay?" Liang Fei suddenly came back to his senses, afraid that he might accidentally knock Nie Ming's wound open.

Nie Ming looked back and saw Liang Fei's cautious expression, and his impetuous mood returned to his best state.

"The road is blocked." Nie Ming pulled Liang Fei back to the corner of the corridor.

Liang Fei hid behind the corner, using a small mirror removed from the rearview mirror of the car to quietly observe the corridor in the other direction.

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