106: The reason for the attack

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Simply using "aging" to describe it is not accurate, because Liang Fei found that in addition to becoming decayed and dilapidated, the layout of tables and chairs in the classroom has also undergone some changes.

When Liang Fei and others left the classroom, although the classroom was extremely crowded, and even the aisles were full of book baskets and textbooks, the overall appearance was orderly. After the classroom was submerged in stagnant water, the textbooks and materials on the ground were scattered everywhere, messy papers were scattered everywhere, and tables, chairs and benches were also piled up chaotically.

This kind of chaos exacerbates the "aging feeling" in the classroom. It has only been more than ten minutes since the classroom was flooded, but the time in the room seems to have passed for several years.

Among the pile of decayed and old desks, there was one desk that stood out from the crowd. Liang Fei noticed the unusualness of the table at the door, and walked towards the back of the classroom as soon as he entered the classroom.

The desk at the back of the classroom was placed alone in the corner, leaving a large space around it, clearly separated from other dilapidated desks.

There are a lot of tables, chairs and book baskets piled up in the classroom, and there is no extra space. The isolated desk occupies a large area, and other desks can only overlap each other crookedly, making this isolated desk look like an uninhabited desert island.

Holding his breath for a limited amount of time, Liang Fei quickly walked to the table and took a general look, and at a glance he saw that this table belonged to the bullied transfer student. It's not that there is anything special about the table itself, but because Xie Kun quietly drew two villains on the table with a pencil when he was searching for clues with him.

However, in the next second, Liang Fei couldn't confirm that this was the transfer student's desk.

Because he noticed that the abusive words drawn with a knife on the table were gone, and the tabletop that was supposed to be bumpy became smooth, and it was newer than other damaged tables...

The textbooks and books he had flipped through were still in their original state. Liang Fei carefully opened the books softened by water, and found that the scribbles on the books were gone.

At this time, it had been nearly a minute since Liang Fei dived into the water. He had no diving experience before, and he was all supported by his lungs. Even though he seemed to have found some clues, he could only return to the surface temporarily.

He had just walked out of the classroom when a black shadow suddenly flashed not far away. Liang Fei fought Sombra once, and he had already figured out Sombra's force value. Even Xie Kun was able to draw with Sombra, which shows that Sombra is not the biggest obstacle to completing the task in this round of the game.

He didn't pay attention to the black shadow rushing towards him, and walked straight to the drainpipe according to the original plan. Hei Ying seemed to have forgotten the difference in force value between himself and Liang Fei, and rushed to Liang Fei's side regardless of his own safety.

The stagnant water has no buoyancy, and the black shadow cannot swim in the water, so he can only lean forward and rely on the strength of his feet. His stooped figure resembled that of an old man in his seventies or eighties, and the figure rushing over wobbled, looking extremely funny.

Just when the black shadow was about to rush into Liang Fei's safe range, another figure suddenly flashed out from behind the pillar and kicked the black shadow on the back. This kick was not strong enough, but the kicker was full of momentum. After kicking the black shadow down, the whole person stepped on it, forcibly using his weight to suppress the black shadow.

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