141: The Eighth Truth

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Does this start a cycle?

From the original world, to the Gross Research Institute, to the Siren Ship, to the next world fragment...

Liang Fei's complexion sank, and if he was going to start the "Second Week" of the game next, it meant that he was still far from the truth.

But soon, his train of thought was interrupted.

The metal door made a beeping sound, and opened slowly after the beep sounded.

Before the metal door was fully opened, there was a faint voice of conversation behind the door. Suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar environment, Liang Fei's first reaction was to find a place to hide temporarily. Even if you know that there is more than one camera above your head and temporarily avoid direct contact with others, you can buy a certain amount of time to respond.

Liang Fei's location was very similar to when he first woke up from the Gross Research Institute, it was a confined space with a metallic cold luster. The whole room can temporarily hide the position of the body, only a few large cabinets near the corner.

Taking advantage of the noise when the metal door opened, Liang Fei opened one of the cabinets and ducked inside.

As soon as he stood up in the closet, he heard the footsteps of at least two people stop at the door of the closet less than half a meter away from him, followed by the rustling sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

Liang Fei glanced to the side through the light coming through the gap in the cabinet, and couldn't help but feel annoyed. Because this turned out to be a cabinet for storing and changing clothes, as soon as the staff entered this room, the first thing to do was to open the cabinet and change clothes.

Sure enough, before Liang Fei got used to the darkness in the closet, the door was pulled open.

Unexpectedly, the staff member who opened the cabinet door didn't seem to notice that there was another person in the cabinet, bypassed where Liang Fei was standing, and reached out to take away his own clothes.

The same as the first person who opened the cabinet, the other staff member who was talking to him also ignored Liang Fei and took his clothes.

They can't see him?

Liang Fei gestured to hit the person in front of the eyes, but the person opposite did not respond, it seemed that he was not pretending.

Before the staff left, Liang Fei reached out to touch the end of his hair. The touched hair ends were slightly bent, and from the perspective of the staff, it seemed that those few hairs were blown by the breeze.

Can touch inanimate matter, and can touch people, but the other party can't see him. Not sure whether these people could hear his voice, for the sake of caution, he could only hold his breath and minimize the noise he made.

The two staff members changed their clothes and left, while Liang Fei took advantage of the opening of the metal door to leave the dressing room behind them.

The pale and silent corridor brought back his familiar memories. He has no impression of the terrain here, perhaps a location in the Gross Institute that he has never explored.

I don't know if I can find the core position of the institute if I continue to follow these two staff members.

"How long do you think they want to hold on? "The staff walking on the left suddenly said.

"Who knows, I think they have given up a long time ago, just to stabilize people's hearts, and dare not make the results public. They can only continue to pretend that there is still a glimmer of hope, and let us low-level soldiers mess around." His companion answered casually. road.

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