66: Emotional stability value

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Sensing that the person in his arms was suddenly distracted, Duan Zhang ran along Liang Fei's neck and stroked his cheek.

Liang Fei suddenly came back to his senses, and suddenly found that Duan Zhang's emotional stability value was dropping rapidly. In almost three seconds, his emotional stability value changed from -1 to -10!

The lighter was covered by Duan Zhang, and the surroundings fell into darkness again. Liang Fei couldn't see Duan Zhang's expression clearly, and could only judge Duan Zhang's mood according to the value prompted by the system.

[Villain emotional stability value: -11]

[Villain emotional stability value: -15]


Liang Fei was a little panicked. If the speed drops at this rate, Duan Zhang may soon go crazy.

Although the value has dropped to -100, he can still complete a main task, but the task of escaping from the desert island has not been completed, so he has to act together with the big boss who is emotionally broken at any time!

The best way to clear the mission is to complete the mission of escaping from the desert island first, and then reduce Duan Zhang's emotional stability to -100 after confirming that he can leave the desert island immediately.

At that time, he will return to the system space in a blink of an eye, and there is no need to worry about what the crazy version of Duan Zhang will do to him.

After Liang Fei planned the strategy, he raised his arms and hugged Duan Zhang. This was the first time he responded to Duan Zhang's "ex-boyfriend"'s intimate behavior, and it really stopped the decline in the emotional stability value instantly, and even began to rise continuously.

[The villain's emotional stability value: 10]

After Liang Fei hugged him for a while, Duan Zhang's mood stabilized after 10 and did not change. He let Duan Zhang go and lit the lighter again.

In the beating firelight, black shadows moved with the firelight on Duan Zhang's face, making it difficult to see his true thoughts.

When Duan Zhang didn't smile, he lost the aura of amiability and gentleness. When the deliberately raised corners of his mouth no longer smiled, his whole temperament changed drastically.

Indifferent, gloomy, with bloodthirsty coolness in his eyes.

Perhaps this is Duan Zhang's nature.

The deserted island is not bound by laws and regulations, and respects strength. Duan Zhang is not only powerful personally, but also has two men who are equally strong, so he can almost do whatever he wants on the deserted island.

He can get anything he wants, why would he pretend to be sweet and amiable on purpose?

"I seem to have seen something chasing us just now." Liang Fei found a dead branch on the ground, and after a lot of effort, he finally set it on fire.

After being illuminated by a simple torch, the surrounding light suddenly became much brighter. Liang Fei found another dead branch and gave Duan Zhang a torch.

Under the light of the two torches, Liang Fei finally saw their situation clearly.

This place is still within the woods, but it is very different from the dark jungle Liang Fei and the others passed through before. Although the dark jungle is dimly lit, the trees in the jungle are all ordinary trees, and the only reason they block the light is because of their lush branches and leaves.

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