81: City of Rasheng

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Everything he experienced was really just a game?

Liang Fei was stunned, and unconsciously let go of Xie Kun's right hand, feeling suddenly frustrated.

If for Xie Kun, the world of reincarnation is just a game, then what is he?

A prisoner trapped in reincarnation, or a clown played by a game?

"What's the difference between you and Sun Peng?" Liang Fei's voice suddenly turned cold.

Xie Kun's face originally maintained an affectionate smile, but after hearing Liang Fei's question, his expression froze instantly. He said helplessly, "Fei Fei, have you misunderstood something?"

Liang Fei was not affected by Xie Kun's softening attitude. He frowned and said, "The World of Reincarnation is a game developed by gxkun? All the reincarnation people involved were involved by gxkun?"

Xie Kun took Liang Fei's right hand back and looked at his right hand with a smile: "If you follow the definition-interpretation of 'game', the 'Reincarnation World' you are talking about is indeed a game. There are tasks that must be completed, and there are specific tasks. Action rules, and corresponding punishment rewards."

Liang Fei was not satisfied with this reply. Xie Kun avoided answering the second question, and did not give a positive answer to the first question, and did not give the answer he wanted at all.

He withdrew his hand again, and even took a step back to distance himself from Xie Kun: "Is it interesting to watch us struggle in reincarnation by trapping those implicated in the game?"

"Fei Fei..." Xie Kun suddenly interrupted Liang Fei's questioning, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, a faint white light suddenly appeared on his body.

In the blink of an eye, his mutilated left leg recovered instantly. Xie Kun stood up from the wheelchair and walked to Liang Fei's side in two steps.

Before Liang Fei had time to be surprised, his right hand was firmly grabbed again. He still wanted to struggle, but Xie Kun suddenly raised his hand and gently covered his eyes.

Then he felt a warmth in his ears, Xie Kun moved closer to his face, and whispered to him, "It's the future."

Just as Liang Fei was about to open his mouth, the palms covering his eyes slowly moved away. His vision gradually recovered, but the scene in front of him made him speechless.

The location where the two are located is no longer the original study room, but a world without up, down, left, and right in the system space. Different from the darkness in the system space, surrounded by countless worlds that are constantly changing!

He saw the stars moving, and the gray-brown rock formations turned into gravel under the wind and snow. He saw the clouds and drizzle, the branches and leaves sprouted new buds after the heavy rain, and the chicks made their first cry after breaking their shells.

Civilization is ignited by the first cluster of fire, sweeping across the entire land like a phoenix starting a prairie fire. War, killing-killing, under the choice of blood and death, the wheel of history rolls by, thousands of kingdoms decline and rise again, and countless ideas collide and spark across time and space. The epic is buried in a tomb made of white bones, composing a lament that records the human spirit. Culture spreads in war and prosperity, carrying the eternal romance and tenderness...

Wait until the images representing history and civilization are melted into the flowing fire, and everything returns to calm. All the grotesque and broken images disappeared, leaving only the deathly darkness around.

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