99: Chainsaw

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"Don't go!" Liang Fei said nervously.

Xie Kun seemed to have never heard of it, and before Liang Fei reminded him, he had already walked to the side of the bone cutter man.

The previously arrogant murderer had bloodstains all over his face, and exuded a burnt stench all over his body. He covered his eyes and ran rampant in the corridor, desperately venting the pain he was enduring.

Liang Fei saw that Kun was aggressive and full of confidence, and he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​stepping forward to stop him.

He also wants to see how strong Xie Kun's force value is in this world. If Xie Kun's real strength is not as useless as he showed before, his next action plan needs to be adjusted.

Three meters directly in front of Liang Fei, Xie Kun walked up to the bone cutter man with a gloomy expression. Facing the madness of the enemy, he kicked without hesitation, pointing directly at the killer's left knee!


With an imposing kick, the murderer stood motionless on the spot...

Seeing this, Xie Kun's face remained unchanged, as if everything was under his control. Looking at the unscathed murderer, Liang Fei couldn't help being stunned. He looked back and saw Xie Kun's confident eyes, thinking that Xie Kun had his own plans, and suppressed his worrying thoughts.

With cold eyes, Xie Kun punched the murderer in the abdomen, and raised his right knee to give him another kick.

boom! boom!

One punch hit the abdomen, one foot hit the side of the waist. Xie Kun succeeded in two hits, and jumped back a step to distance himself from the killer.

A series of attacks were smooth and neat, and the retreat was also decisive and timely.

It's a pity... Xie Kun's attack did not cause any substantial damage to the killer!

Xie Kun's ineffective attack caught the attention of the killer. The killer was just in the middle of his rage and madness. He noticed a small bug swaying beside him, raised his head and roared, and punched Xie Kun's head with 100% strength !

Liang Fei was so frightened that his soul was going to fly, he didn't care about other things, he rushed to Xie Kun's side at the fastest speed, and dragged him back.

Fortunately, Liang Fei dragged Xie Kun out of the battle circle in time, and the killer punched the air, smashing a few cobweb cracks on the wall.

"Senior, wait..." Xie Kun was dragged back by Liang Fei, his eyes were still fixed on the murderer behind Liang Fei, and he wanted to go up and kick him again.

The person who was dragging him wanted to rush back, Liang Fei almost wanted to knock Xie Kun unconscious with a knife in his hand. A few seconds ago, he thought that Xie Kun had unleashed some hidden ability that could rub the bone cutter man on the ground.

I didn't expect this person to be a 100% purebred trash! If it weren't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, the person who was pressed and rubbed on the ground would be Xie Kun!

"Senior, I can protect you, let me go for a few seconds first..." Xie Kun was dragged staggeringly, and the promise he made was unbelievable.

Liang Fei said indifferently: "Wait until you can break free from me."

Liang Fei held Xie Kun's left hand tightly, and blocked Xie Kun behind him. Xie Kun tried to change positions with Liang Fei, but he struggled with his left hand, but he couldn't escape Liang Fei's shackles at all.

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