44: End

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The second hand is like a skinny old donkey who hobbled for a full 3,600 steps before it can pull the hour hand millstone to turn a small division.

Liang Fei was lying on the bed tossing and turning, the moon was hanging high outside the window, and the moonlight passed through the window screen, quietly wrapping the insomniac person.


Liang Fei opened his eyes suddenly, Jia Yue was leaning against the bedroom door, his eyes glowed with a faint purple light in the darkness, he didn't know how long he had been standing here.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Liang Fei sat up from the bed.

Jia Yue walked into the bedroom and stood beside Liang Fei's bed without speaking. He lowered his head slightly and stood beside Liang Fei's bed in silence. There is no lighting in the room, just relying on the moonlight outside the window for illumination.

Such darkness had no effect on Jia Yue, he looked at Liang Fei seriously, as if he wanted to remember Liang Fei's face more clearly in his mind.

Liang Fei felt a little puzzled looking at the distance Jia Yue deliberately kept from him. According to Jiayue's personality, wouldn't it be possible to get close to him, even if he didn't seize the opportunity to climb onto the bed, at least he would sit on the edge of the bed.

Liang Fei didn't speak, Jia Yue didn't speak, and the two of them kept silent for a while in the darkness of the room.

In the end, it was Jia Yue who couldn't bear it first: "Master, is it because of me that you can't leave?"

Liang Fei's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Jia Yue had already discovered something.

"As long as I'm still on this cruise ship, no one can leave this sea area." Jia Yue said slowly, "Because this sea belongs to the domain of sea monsters."

Kraken domain?

This special vocabulary reminded Liang Fei of the boundary he found during the day. After he and his teammates crossed the boundary, the system would automatically notify them to leave the "Kraken Domain".

Could it be that they were unable to complete the mission because of the existence of the Siren Domain, resulting in being trapped in this mission world?

"There is a way to make the Siren Domain disappear." Jia Yue lowered his eyes, hiding his expression under the dim light.

Liang Fei's body unconsciously leaned forward. If there is a way to make the Siren Domain disappear, maybe he can complete this task.

His right hand suddenly went cold, and Jia Yue stuffed a hard object into his hand. Jia Yue wrapped his right hand, made him hold the thing in his hand tightly, and then pressed it against his chest.

"Kill me." Jia Yue said.

Liang Fei's eyes widened suddenly, and the thing in his hand was as hot as a soldering iron. He squinted his eyes, and with the help of the moonlight, he saw clearly that this was the bone dagger that Jia Yue asked him to use to dig out his heart in the gambling game!

The sharp tip of the dagger touched Jiayue's heart, Liang Fei quickly let go, struggling to throw the dagger away.

"Kill me, and the Kraken domain will disappear, and the master can leave here to do what he wants." Jiayue's voice was gentle, as if he was saying some touching words of love.

His fingertips were cold, and they were even trembling slightly. He is not afraid of death, but of being separated from his master after death.

"Don't mention this again!" Liang Fei broke free from his right hand and threw the dagger directly.

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