72: End

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"Duan Zhang? Duan Zhang!" Liang Fei panicked.

Duan Zhang's eyes were closed tightly and his face was pale. The weight of his whole body was on him, and he had lost consciousness for a long time.

Liang Fei touched Duan Zhang's neck with his finger in panic and panic, the pulse of the artery was rapid and weak, as if it might stop at any time.

His fingers trembled uncontrollably, and he carefully laid Duan Zhang flat on the ground, only then did he have time to see the densely covered wounds on Duan Zhang's body.

There are a lot of scars on Duan Zhang's body, and these scars are criss-crossed, making it almost impossible to find a piece of intact skin. After experiencing the underwater crisis and fighting fish monsters, new wounds cover old wounds, overlapping and becoming denser.

These wounds were soaked in lake water and had already started to turn white, but after Duan Zhang's strenuous exercise, they were stained red by the oozing blood.

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"Ye Menglei," Liang Fei said nervously, "Do you know where the nearest material distribution point is?"

The supplies on the isolated island were all delivered by Duan Zhang with Ye Menglei and Yu Tao. Ye Menglei should know where the nearest supplies are.

Ye Menglei limped over with a piece of clothing in her hand: "This is the boss's clothes. I took off the perverted clothes. Give this clothes back to the boss."

It was only then that Liang Fei noticed that Ye Menglei was wearing an obviously ill-fitting dress. There were several black and purple pinch marks on her neck and scratches on her arms. The original clothes were torn into pieces and thrown on the ground, and Qiao Wenjian's severed arm was pressed against the pieces of clothes.

He instantly guessed what happened before he came, and he hated Qiao Wenjian and Xiao Qin even more. No wonder Duan Zhang would be so heavy-handed, even killing the same kind on a deserted island for the first time.

"Are you okay?" Liang Fei asked with concern.

Ye Menglei knew what Liang Fei was asking, she nodded indifferently and said, "It's a good thing the boss woke up early, and he kicked the perverted man away."

Talking about what happened to her, she didn't show any expression of panic or fear, and even comforted Liang Fei by saying, "Boss just lost his strength and passed out. His injuries were several times worse than now and he didn't die. He must be fine this time."

"You can stay here at ease. I'll go find the first aid kit and I'll be back soon."

The back of Ye Menglei leaving was swaying, Liang Fei almost wanted to call her to stop and let her rest for a while. However, only Ye Menglei knew the location of the nearest material delivery point, and Duan Zhang's injury could not be delayed any longer, so Liang Fei could only withdraw his hand and quietly guarded Duan Zhang's side.

After treating Duan Zhang's wound briefly, Liang Fei took Xiao Qin's pistol and kept vigilant against the jungle at all times.

After more than ten minutes, Ye Menglei came back from the grass, holding a heavy box in her hand.

There is water and food in the box, and the rest are medical supplies. Liang Fei neatly bandaged Duan Zhang's wound, then adjusted him to a comfortable position, and put his head on his lap.

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