115: Injured

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"Xie Kun?"

The sound of fighting on the other side of the corridor was still there, and no one responded to Liang Fei.

Liang Fei turned his head to see the shape of the long knife clearly. The exquisite and repeated patterns were engraved on the pure black knife body. The length of the knife, which was close to 1.5 meters, was inserted into the wall behind him by a quarter of its length!

The long knife shot out from the depths of the corridor, not deliberately aiming in Liang Fei's direction. The black blade inserted into the wall is almost integrated with the black wall, and the fine cracks are like a spider web, spreading around the blade as the center.

The sound of fighting not far away was still going on, Liang Fei knew that Xie Kun had lost his weapon and was probably at a disadvantage, so he grabbed the handle of the knife and tried to pull it out. However, the long knife in his hand was like a steel bar integrated into the wall. No matter how hard he tried, it was nailed to the wall and remained motionless.

Liang Fei had seen the unscientific weight of this knife, and after trying for a few seconds to no avail, he gave up wasting time here and ran to the source of the fighting sound.

Just as Liang Fei approached the battle circle, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the room, and the moment he was about to hit the wall, he dodged sideways, barely dodging the ensuing attacks!


A cabinet that was half a person's height hit the wall, the huge impact caused the wooden cabinet to disintegrate instantly, and the broken wood chips flew around, leaving a big hole on the corridor wall by the way.

Xie Kun, who hastily dodged, barely avoided the impact of the wooden cabinet, and was inevitably scratched by a few pieces of sawdust.

Liang Fei saw that Kun had fresh wounds on his face and arms, and his nerves suddenly tensed. It is impossible for the waste wood version of Xie Kun to avoid the attack of the wooden cabinet, which shows that the current Xie Kun is the black queen that other players fear and fear.

It can make most players feel intimidated, and the strength of the boss version of Xie Kun must not be underestimated. However, if such a powerful Xie Kun would be injured, how powerful would the enemies in the room be?

There is no time to think too much, the most urgent thing is to confirm Xie Kun's injury. Liang Fei rushed towards Xie Kun at the fastest speed, but was forced to stop just before reaching the destination.

An arthropod limb as thick as the mouth of a bowl protruded from the room, and the ten centimeter-long fluff at the joints almost reached Liang Fei's eyes!

Liang Fei leaned back quickly while tilting his neck slightly, barely avoiding the enemy's attack at the cost of losing his balance.

In the narrow room, a giant spider with a body like a calf was trapped. Two slender spider legs stretched out, waving in mid-air to hook Liang Fei.

Liang Fei fell heavily on the ground, supported his body and kicked his legs, and quickly backed away. At the end of the spider's legs were claws that were sharper than a dagger. The silvery claws stabbed fiercely at the position where Liang Fei was half a second ago, leaving a deep ditch on the ground.

The moment he rushed to the door, Liang Fei had looked at the giant spider's black compound eyes, and guessed that the spider could not be chased out of the room. After escaping from the attack range of the spider legs, Liang Fei was finally able to focus on looking at Xie Kun.

Taking the door as the center, Liang Fei is on the left side of the corridor, while Xie Kun is on the right side of the corridor. There were two spider legs between them, as long as the spider didn't retreat, Liang Fei couldn't reach Xie Kun.

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