09: Error

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In Ding Yan's impression, Nie Ming, the leader of the research team, has always been strict and restrained. Although he always disliked Nie Ming because of his position and position, objectively speaking, the Nie Ming he knew would never do such a thing...

This kind of thing that left the official business and was late for a meeting, and even made a special trip to buy candy for a beautiful mouse.

Nie Ming's office is very large, and it is equipped with a temporary lounge. It was originally used as a convenience for Nie Ming to stay up late and work overtime, and sometimes it was also used as a temporary meeting room.

At this moment, Ding Yan, with a few of his unsmiling subordinates, was sitting and confronting Dr. Nie in the waiting room.

Nie Ming was knocked out and deliberately kept Ding Yan's affairs open, but there was no embarrassment on his face, and he sat on the sofa calmly and did not speak.

In the end, Ding Yan couldn't hold back anymore, and said sarcastically, "I, Team Leader Nie, was busy performing surgery on the volunteers in the middle of the night. So I didn't have dinner, so I hid in the office for extra meals."

Nie Ming frowned slightly. He was not interested in such things as arguing, and said bluntly: "The order given to you by the military department also includes investigating my work and rest arrangements?"

Ding Yan wanted to continue cursing, but he also knew that this kind of meaningless dispute would not only anger Nie Ming, but would only annoy him.

His face was still full of displeasure, and he returned to the topic when he spoke again: "The military department asked me to inquire about the progress of the research, and by the way, I would like to know whether the work of the research team is going well."

This is a routine work report. Nie Ming didn't make things difficult for Ding Yan any more, and simply explained the recent work progress of the institute.

After Nie Ming finished speaking, Ding Yan's complexion became better. He added: "I'm here this time, but I actually have another mission."

"I heard that Team Leader Nie has improved the weapon against living corpses. I'm curious about the difference between the improved weapon and the original one." Ding Yan stared into Nie Ming's eyes, regardless of whether Nie Ming agreed with him to visit the research institute. He will forcefully keep any new weapon.

Because his real purpose is not to improve weapons, but the h virus vaccine that the research institute is currently doing its best to research.

The monsters in the research institute, or "living corpses", were transformed from humans or animals infected with the h virus. Compared with weapons that can kill monsters, Ding Yan's boss is more interested in a vaccine that can restrain the H virus from the source.

Nie Ming also knew that Ding Yan's drunkard's intention was not to drink. He used the excuse of visiting improved weapons to stay in the research institute to spy on the H-virus vaccine.

The research institute is under the jurisdiction of the military in name, but in fact the forces of all parties are intertwined. It is impossible for the research institute to hand over something of inestimable value such as vaccines easily.

"If Major Ding is interested, he can stay in the institute for a few more days." To Ding Yan's surprise, Nie Ming even omitted the process of practicing Tai Chi, and directly agreed to his request.

At the same time, in another area of ​​the same office, Liang Fei stood in front of Nie Ming's computer with his lips pursed through the barrier of a frosted glass wall.

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