01: Gross Institute

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At 10:15 in the evening, this was Liang Fei's thirty-sixth hour of continuous high-intensity work.

As an independent game development author, work of this intensity is almost routine. But this time, even Liang Fei, who was as ordinary as eating a meal, couldn't take it anymore.

He turned off the webpage, rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and the information on the webpage was still playing back in his mind.

--Gxkun Game Company is about to launch a series of escape games, which are equipped with brand new holographic game technology. According to insiders who have tried the closed beta, once the series of games is launched, it will inevitably set off a frenzy and reshuffle the entire game industry.

If it is true as the news said, after the escape game series of gxkun game company is launched, the game industry may no longer have a place for an independent game author like him.

Liang Fei sighed, and picked up the small box at hand. The logo of gxkun was printed on the upper left corner of the box. This was a series of escape games that gxkun game company had not yet released.

This is an internal beta version that Liang Feituo's acquaintances managed to get. Before the game is released, he intends to study the so-called "opening a new era of gaming" and what is so good about it.

As soon as he tore open the package, he suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his heart, his temples throbbed, his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness.


Liang Fei was awakened by the voice. He opened his eyes, and the blurred vision gradually became clear. The light in the room was very dim, and the faint green floor lamps reflected the vague outlines of the furniture. From the drip stand and medicine cabinet beside the bed, it could be judged that Liang Fei was lying on a hospital bed.

Beside the bed, there were three strangely dressed people in a circle with their backs turned to him, discussing something.

"Do you really want to take the newcomers along?" The voice of the speaker was stern, "Aren't you afraid that that burden will slow us down and kill us?"

"Don't say that, everyone is a newcomer." The persuading person had a calm voice, and glanced at Liang Fei.

Liang Fei didn't pretend to be asleep on purpose, and sat up when he met the man's eyes, and nodded towards him.

The person opposite was stunned, he didn't expect Liang Fei to wake up so early. He smiled awkwardly, and waved to the little man beside him, "Xiao Yuan, come and explain the situation to the newcomer."

A short man approached with a smile: "Not bad, it's the first time I see such a calm newcomer."

Liang Fei remained calm, and glanced at a metal plate on the man's chest, with the words "Huang Yuan" written on it. The badge of the person who spoke to Liang Fei first was "Tian Yi", and the one with the dark voice was "Shi Jiajun". Liang Fei himself also had a badge with his name and age written on it.

According to Huang Yuan, they are all samsara people who were involved in the samsara world due to some accidents, and were thrown into different samsara worlds endlessly. If you want to survive, you can only complete the tasks issued by the system.

The reincarnation world they are in now is a secret research institute, and their identities are volunteers who voluntarily enter the research institute to test drugs. If you want to live in the next reincarnation world, you must escape from the research institute within a limited time.

"Huang Yuan, what are you talking nonsense with him?" Shi Jiajun walked over with his face full of flesh, squinting his eyes, "If you die in the reincarnation world, you will die in the real world. The survival rate of newcomers is generally less than 100% Tenth..." He looked at Liang Fei provocatively, and added with a sneer, "The survival rate of the little boy is less than one percent."

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