48: Constellation

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bang bang bang!

Three consecutive gunshots rang out at the corner of the street, making Liang Fei and the others look serious for an instant.

Firearms are weapons designed to target predators. Hearing gunshots in the restricted area means that there are predators besides enemies behind the street corner!

"Get out of here first!" Liang Fei didn't forget the handcuffs on his right hand this time, he grabbed Shou Ya's wrist and was about to run in the opposite direction.

The two people who escaped from the corner of the street spotted Liang Fei and the others first. They looked at each other, adjusted their escape direction, and rushed straight to Liang Fei and the others!

"They want to lure the predator!" Xia Jue said in shock.

Liang Fei wanted to pull Shou Ya away as soon as possible, but his right hand was suddenly held backwards.

Shou Ya sneered and looked at the two people on the street corner: "It's too late, I can only kill all four of them."


Xia Jue was puzzled, seeing that there were two monsters chasing the two of them, he suddenly realized that the cheap boss is going to take the enemy and the enemy's enemy in one pot!

Two of them are predators!

Xia Jue's face was ashen, as if he had already seen the future where he would become a monster's ration. He just wanted to remind the cheap boss that predators can only be killed by special firearms in the restricted area, but suddenly found that the cheap boss had already bound the firearms in his hands.

But why is the catheter of the gun inserted into the boss!

Isn't it only the "blood bag" that will be catheterized! ?

This discovery was like a bolt from the blue, making Xia Jue's complexion even paler. Boss' companions don't look like anything reliable, and as soon as Boss shoots, they're screwed.

Under the urgent situation, Liang Fei had no idea how many detours Xia Jue was going through in his head. In other words, he didn't have any time to consider other people's reactions, so he was grabbed by the hunting crow, and rushed towards the two predators as if giving rations!

Liang Fei's right hand was handcuffed to the crow, it was difficult to maintain his balance, and he staggered as he was dragged along the way. Shou Ya was dissatisfied with Liang Fei's speed, and wrapped his left hand around his waist, pinching him directly at his waist.

The two people on the street corner saw Liang Fei and the hunting crow rushing towards them. Although they didn't know whether they were enemies or friends, they could always attract part of the predator's attention.

The two people who rushed over passed the hunting crow, and the black monster with slender limbs quickly magnified in his eyes!

The hunting crow calmly said: "Kill the predator first."

Then you have to put him down first!

Liang Fei wanted to cry but had no tears.

After such a delay, the predator has already rushed in front of the two of them!

Without any hesitation, Liang Fei raised his hand and aimed at the monster's head and pulled the trigger!


The moment Liang Fei raised his hand, the predator abruptly stopped his forward pace in an extremely twisted posture! The monster twisted its body to the maximum in mid-air, almost twisting its neck 180 degrees, narrowly avoiding Liang Fei's bullet!

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