07: Injection

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"The volunteer area has access control, how did you get out?"

Nie Ming's tone was always cold and calm, which made it impossible for Liang Fei to judge his mood through his tone.

"The researcher seems to have forgotten to close the door today." Liang Fei said bravely. He also knew that this reason was not convincing, but the top priority was to divert Nie Ming's attention, at least not to let the three people above him be discovered.

Nie Ming approached Liang Fei with a flashlight, and the light was always concentrated on Liang Fei, which made it impossible to hide any of his small movements.

"You haven't answered the first question yet." Nie Ming stood in front of Liang Fei. Liang Fei had no way to retreat and was forced against the wall. The height difference between the two made Nie Ming's questioning feel particularly oppressive.

"I..." Liang Fei frowned suddenly, "My leg hurts."

After all, as if to prove the truth of the reason, Liang Fei still clutched his right leg and fell onto the wall behind him as if he was exhausted.

Before Liang Fei leaned against the wall, a warm and strong hand supported him. Nie Ming looked down at him, his tone was no longer cold and indifferent, but even showed a hint of concern: "Is it serious?"

Liang Fei suddenly threw an inch at Nie Ming's body, put his arms around his neck and said, "Yes, it hurts. I really can't take it anymore, so I want to come to you."

A sentence with the meaning of showing weakness made Nie Ming's eyes sink. He pursed his lips slightly, as if he had made a decision, he suddenly raised his hand to hug Liang Fei.

"I'll take you to deal with it." Nie Ming turned his head and said in Liang Fei's ear. The deliberately lowered voice was only an inch away from Liang Fei's ears. The distance was so intimate that Liang Fei almost jumped out of Nie Ming's arms.

But he could only bear it, who made Nie Ming's flashlight almost shine on the vent just now. At the very moment when the other three were exposed, Liang Fei could only use his body as a shield, sacrifice himself to wrap his arms around Nie Ming's neck, and divert his attention away.

As for being hugged by the villainous princess, Liang Fei only prayed for the three people in the vent to be quiet, to hide in the duct obediently and not poke their heads out to peek.

Although Liang Fei was shorter than Nie Ming, he still had the weight of a normal man. Nie Ming, a clerical villain, carried Liang Fei for more than 20 minutes without changing his breathing rate.

"Does it still hurt?" Nie Ming carried Liang Fei back to the office in the center of the institute, and put him on the sofa for the reception.

Liang Fei's attention was still on the oversized office. Hearing this, he quickly pretended to endure the pain, and said weakly, "It hurts..."

"I have painkillers here." Nie Ming turned around and took a pack of disposable medical supplies from the medicine cabinet next to his desk. After tearing open the package, he took out a syringe from it.

Seeing the syringe, Liang Fei hurriedly wanted to remedy it: "Actually, it's much better now, and it doesn't matter if you don't need painkillers."

"Isn't the pain already unbearable? If you don't inject painkillers now, it may hurt even more in a while." Nie Ming only thought that Liang Fei was afraid of injections, and his neat movements did not stop at all.

Nie Ming took out a blue glass bottle of injection, and used the syringe to draw out all the liquid inside. The light blue liquid rolled down from the tip of the needle, reflecting a faint blue light under the pale light of the office.

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