80: End

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"Don't...don't come here!" Song Ya sat slumped on the ground, her legs kicked and she kept retreating.

The movement of the black shadow crawling forward stopped, and after Song Ya showed strong resistance, the forward speed suddenly accelerated!

Jiang Hua and Song Ya were handcuffed together. Before Soi Ying approached Song Ya, he was bound to confront him once. Jiang Hua, who had lost his defensive barrier, didn't dare to fight recklessly. The moment the black shadow stopped moving, he jumped aside.


The chains collided with each other at the moment Jiang Hua jumped up, and the handcuffs on his arms tightened, almost dragging him down on the spot. Jiang Hua overestimated Song Ya's alertness. Seeing the black shadow crawling towards her, this woman didn't know how to stand up and run away!

"Idiot!" Jiang Hua roared angrily. He dragged the chain hard, trying to directly drag Song Ya up from the ground.

Song Ya's wrist hurt, and she finally came back to her senses. She staggered up while leaning on the wall behind her, but she couldn't take the steps to escape. Jiang Hua could only curse secretly, then turned back and grabbed Song Ya's arm tightly, dragging Song Ya behind him.

Seeing that Jiang Hua dared to drag Song Ya to escape, Hei Ying roared angrily, the blood in his eyes became more intense, and veins bulged out of his thin body.

"Xiao...Xiaoya..." Soi Ying hoarsely said.

Song Ya heard that Hei Ying was calling her, her legs gave way in fright, and she almost fell to the ground. Jiang Hua was dragged down by Song Ya many times, and her patience finally reached the limit. With vicious eyes in his eyes, he stopped and stood still with Song Ya, waiting for the black shadow to crawl over from not far away.

Song Ya was still waiting for Jiang Hua to pull her away, but Jiang Hua stopped unexpectedly. She moved her arms in a panic, trying to throw Jiang Hua away and run away by herself, but she caught a glimpse of the black figure beside her suddenly jumping up and rushing towards them!

Jiang Hua looked at the black shadow with cold eyes, without any panic in his expression. Even though the shadow was close at hand, he didn't take a step back. Song Ya was so scared that she closed her eyes a long time ago, she didn't dare to open her eyes in the direction of the shadow.

Before the black shadow was about to pounce on the two of them, Jiang Hua suddenly sneered, grabbed Song Ya's shoulders, and pulled her fiercely in front of him, acting as a shield between him and the black shadow!

"Ahhh!" Song Ya tightly closed her eyes and hugged her head, screaming piercingly.

The black shadow threw itself on Song Ya, but did not do anything harmful to her. Song Ya frowned, did not feel the expected pain, and opened her eyes with some doubts.

The black shadow only threw itself on her, as if wanting to hug her. However, its body was shriveled and terrifying, with distinct joints, looking like a skeleton covered in only one layer of skin.

Seeing Hei Ying's appearance, Song Ya finally realized what Hei Ying's true identity was. She stopped screaming, the horror on her face turned into disgust, and she roared angrily: "Get out! Don't come near me !"

After the black shadow realized Song Ya's dislike for it, the action of hugging Song Ya paused. But it didn't listen to Song Ya's cry and let her go. Instead, it pulled Song Ya closer to itself and sniffed her everywhere.

Although Jiang Hua felt that Song Ya's attitude and Soi Ying's reaction were a bit strange, he didn't care too much. Taking advantage of Soi Ying's attention not on his side, he quietly pulled the chain, trying to break Song Ya's thumb break!

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