11: Conditions

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Taking advantage of the moment when Ding Yan's attention was diverted, Liang Fei moved to the side and walked to Nie Ming's side in two steps.

Fortunately, Liang Fei reacted quickly, and the frozen atmosphere eased a little.

When Ding Yan didn't pay attention, the little white mouse that was close at hand slipped to the enemy's side, and he said with a dark face: "Shouldn't Team Leader Nie be busy doing experiments now? It's not wise to neglect your duties in front of the review team." move."

"It depends on who the review team is reviewing," Nie Ming said.

I don't know which nerve in Ding Yan was stimulated by this sentence, and Ding Yan raised his hand so angry that he almost pulled out the gun. Fortunately, he still had a bit of reason, and he gave Nie Ming a distorted look before leaving angrily.

After Ding Yan left, Nie Ming's attention returned to Liang Fei, and Liang Fei trembled in his heart. After all, the person in front of him might be able to turn him into a monster covered in slime if he was unhappy.

"What did Ding Yan tell you?" Nie Ming asked.

Naturally, Liang Fei didn't dare to say what Ding Yan wanted him to do, and he didn't mention the connection between the volunteers and the monsters. He tentatively said, "He said those monsters were originally humans or animals..."

"That's true." Nie Ming didn't hide it.

"Will the volunteers turn into monsters in the end?" Before Liang Fei could ask, the researcher acting as a tour guide approached them and asked them to return to the center of the storage room.

Next, Nie Ming and Ding Yan were observing the firearms experiment, and Liang Fei didn't run around anymore, just stayed where he was and watched. The experiment lasted for a full two hours. Originally Ding Yan wanted to continue reviewing other projects of the institute, but Nie Ming suddenly received a message.

Nie Ming stared at the communicator with a serious expression. He looked up at Liang Fei, explained a few words to the researcher, and left in a hurry.

Several researchers continued to lead Ding Yan and others to visit the institute, and the remaining researcher walked straight to Liang Fei.

"The doctor is in a bit of an emergency, s-09, I will take you to rest for a while, and I will take you to continue the visit when the doctor comes back." The researcher signaled Liang Fei to follow him and leave.

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What kind of information would Nie Ming attach so much importance to, and even leave unfinished work behind?

The door of the storage room was slowly closed, and Liang Fei and Ding Yan walked in opposite directions. Liang Fei's mind was full of why Nie Ming left in a hurry, and he didn't notice that behind him, Ding Yan stood at the door of the storage room and stared at his back, showing a determined smile.

The researchers did not take Liang Fei back to the volunteer rest area, but left Liang Fei alone in Nie Ming's office.

After the researcher left, Liang Fei carefully explored the office, and finally figured out why Nie Ming dared to leave him here alone last night.

Because without Nie Ming's identity verification, there would be nothing of value in the office!

The drawers and cabinets are all locked, the computer also has a power-on password, and there is not even a piece of written paper on the desk. Coupled with the door guard that the researcher closed casually, Liang Fei is equivalent to being placed under house arrest here.

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