51: Yan Huan

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Hunting Crow Pressure - The air-conditioning exuded from his body, and Liang Fei felt that the hairs all over his body were about to explode.

The irascible hunting crow explodes immediately, the most sensible choice is to explain the problem clearly immediately.

However, how to explain this kind of problem, if it is not to ensure that the hunting crow can enter the next reincarnation world with him when completing the task, he would not want to wear such a pendant with too many meanings!

"No... not Nie Ming." Although Nie Ming and Jia Yue are the same person, they have different names, and the reincarnation world they live in is also different. It should be possible to say this, right?

"Who is that?" The hunting crow's tone was still irritable.

"I put it on myself!" Liang Fei replied immediately.

Although it was coerced by Jia Yue.

Liang Fei thought he had found the perfect answer, and instantly became confident. Besides, he did put this collar on himself, so the hunting crow won't be angry.

Liang Fei looked at the hunting crow with some trepidation, and the guilt in his heart crept up his spine again. Shou Ya didn't speak, he was still in the eye of the stormy typhoon, and he might be sucked into the storm and be torn to pieces at any time.

This sophistry was almost unreasonable, and the hunting crow obviously wouldn't believe it. But what Liang Fei said was plausible and full of momentum, which made him a little uncertain whether the credibility of this sentence was high or not.

As soon as Shou Ya hesitated, Liang Fei knew there was something to be done, and hurriedly climbed up the pole and said, "If you don't like it, I can take it off."

After that, he raised his hand to untie the metal buckle of the collar.

When the task is about to end, he can just put it on quietly, and now he will calm down the hunting crow.

But the hunting crow grabbed his hand and prevented him from taking off the collar. Liang Fei was wondering why Shou Ya suddenly changed his attitude, when he felt the restraint around his neck loosen, and the collar was held in Shou Ya's hand.

It turned out that I had to pick it off myself...

Liang Fei expressed his understanding of the small details of this bewildering mentality.

Then he heard a "click" and the collar was back on his neck.

Liang Fei: ...

Liang Fei couldn't understand this kind of mysterious behavior of taking it off and putting it back on!

The hunting crow tidied up the collar, and adjusted the metal plate on it to the front position. He straightened Liang Fei's head, took a step back and took a closer look, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Who put this collar on you now?" She Ya asked knowingly.

Liang Fei gritted his teeth, but the gap made by the responder's head on the wall was right next to his head, so he could only stare at the hunting crow unwillingly.

Although Liang Fei didn't say it, his current reaction was considered a good reply.

Shou Ya dialed the metal plate contentedly, and finally let go of Liang Fei who was pressing on the wall.

When the hunting crow turned around, Liang Fei touched the collar around his neck uncomfortably.

The position of the collar is obviously the same as before, why does he always feel that something is wrong after being fastened by the hunting crow?

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