100: Dust

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"He's here...I saw him!" Luo Xinyu stood on the flower bed, looking at the darkness in the distance in horror.

"Calm down, his target is not us." Liang Fei lowered his voice.

Luo Xinyu realized that his voice was too loud just now, and immediately showed annoyed expression. Fortunately, the killer with the chainsaw didn't pay attention here, and didn't charge over to attack them for the time being.

Liang Fei hid behind a tree and looked into the distance. A burly black figure stood near Charles' body, bending over with a chainsaw in his hand, not knowing what he was doing. The "buzzing" sound could not stop coming from the dark place, and one didn't need to guess how bloody scenes were going on in that direction.

"Get out of here first." Liang Fei waved to Luo Xinyu. As for Xie Kun, this person has been following him like a little tail, and there is no need to remind him.

Luo Xinyu's face was pale all the way, and she turned her head frequently in fear. When Liang Fei, who was walking in front, stopped, she realized that Liang Fei had brought them back to the supermarket on campus.

"It's not safe here..." Luo Xinyu looked at the shattered glass, unwilling to hide in the supermarket.

The wall of the supermarket facing the street was a glass wall, which had already been smashed by Liang Fei with stones. The entire supermarket is wide open to the outside, and it does not have the effect of hiding the figure at all.

"There is no safe place in school." Liang Fei said flatly.

The killer has props to locate the fugitive. At this time, there are at least three hours before dawn, and finding a place to hide is tantamount to seeking death.

Luo Xinyu also understood this truth, but they had fled for most of the night and experienced several life and death struggles. After finally killing the two killers in the campus, before he had time to relax for a few minutes, he discovered that there was another killer in the school. And it's the kind with a chainsaw!

"Do you still want to use the air freshener?" Luo Xinyu suppressed the fear in her heart, her trembling voice still revealed her uneasiness.

"I'm afraid it won't work." Liang Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the shelves in front of him.

Luo Xinyu followed Liang Fei's gaze down, only to see a bunch of things falling in a mess on the ground, except that there was no air freshener.

When Liang Fei discovered the air freshener earlier, it happened that Charles led the bone cutter man to the direction of the supermarket. He was in a hurry and only had time to take the metal can closest to him, without seeing how much air freshener was left on the shelf.

Unexpectedly, the jar he took away happened to be the last bottle of air freshener in the supermarket.

Luo Xinyu, who was already extremely nervous, turned even paler, her lips trembled slightly, and just as she was about to say something to Liang Fei, there was a harsh "buzzing" sound outside the supermarket.

Luo Xinyu covered her mouth with her hand, and stumbled back a few steps, almost knocking down the shelf behind her. Judging by the sound of the chainsaw, the killer was not far away from them.

Liang Fei's eyes also flashed a bit solemn, they couldn't find the air freshener, and they had almost no way to hurt the killer. The lethality of ordinary weapons is not the same order of magnitude as that of chainsaws. Even if they carry giant bone cutters, they cannot compete with chainsaw killers.

Liang Fei withdrew his gaze from the street, and suddenly turned around and walked into the supermarket.

"Senior Liang Fei, are we still running away?" Luo Xinyu was a little anxious, the sound of the chainsaw was approaching rapidly, and if they didn't run away, it would be too late.

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