70: Torture

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"Wait!" Liang Fei turned around, pressed his back against the hatch, and said nervously, "I can explain!"

"What I just said was a joke, don't take it seriously!" Liang Fei struggled.

"But I felt that you were very serious just now." Duan Zhang raised his hand to support Liang Fei's ear, completely blocking his retreat.

Liang Fei really panicked at this time. He thought that he could run away once the two tasks were completed, but he didn't expect that Duan Zhang's emotional stability value would be completely blown off the charts. Then he suddenly realized that all this was just a game designed by Duan Zhang. .

"Fei Fei, I'm very interested in the three people you mentioned." Duan Zhang approached Liang Fei's ear, and gently sprayed the hot air on his neck, "Tell me about your affairs, okay?"

Duan Zhang's voice was still gentle, but Liang Fei's hairs stood on end by his strange attitude.

He said with difficulty: "No... nothing, it's all a misunderstanding. I just wanted to annoy you..."

Liang Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, feeling that he had found a breakthrough for self-help. If you follow this sentence and transfer the point of conflict to Duan Zhang, so that you can occupy a favorable position, Duan Zhang will definitely have no reason to go crazy!

He hurriedly continued, "Count it yourself, how many people have you laughed and laughed at along the way? I really can't stand it anymore, so I deliberately say those things that annoy you."

As expected, there was a moment of hesitation in Duan Zhang's actions. Liang Fei thought that Duan Zhang was really guilty, and wanted to add fuel to the fire and use unreasonable methods to make himself occupy the upper hand in the aura field.

"Should you explain to me, what is the purpose of your laughing at those people?" He said sternly.

Duan Zhang narrowed his eyes and looked at Liang Fei meaningfully, and there was a hint of joy in his voice: "So, Fei Fei, you have been looking at me all the way?"

Liang Fei heard the rise in Duan Zhang's voice, and thought that Duan Zhang's emotional stability value would change accordingly. He quietly glanced at it with full expectation, but he didn't expect that the data prompted by the system were still those three huge question marks, rising a bit. There is no sign of it!

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

"I'm very happy." Duan Zhang smiled.

He raised his finger, touched Liang Fei's hair lightly, and then stroked along the hair to the contour of his cheek.

Liang Fei secretly slandered, if he hadn't been able to see Duan Zhang's emotional stability, he might have believed Duan Zhang's nonsense.

However, he still breathed a sigh of relief. Although Duan Zhang was still in a mentally abnormal state, his intimidating aura had finally dissipated. Even if he wanted to do something at this time, it shouldn't be too difficult to bear.

"Feifei, if you don't want to tell me now, forget it. I'll ask you again when you are willing to tell." Duan Zhang bent his mouth, took a step back, and released Liang Fei from his arms.

Just let him go?

After regaining his freedom, Liang Fei still hadn't realized that this thrilling crisis just passed away?

It was really hard for him to have much sense of reality for exposing this matter so easily. Duan Zhang's emotional stability value is still clearly in front of him, he didn't expect that Duan Zhang in a blackened state would let him go so easily.

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