98: Air freshener

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"Help me!" Charles rushed towards the three of them in a panic, making up his mind to let Liang Fei and others be buried with him.

"Run away first." Liang Fei said to Xie Kun and Luo Xin.

They couldn't stop Charles from drawing the bone cutter man over, so they could only take the lead in running away from Charles. The three of them had a distance advantage over Charles, and Charles could only struggle five meters behind them.

The bone cutter man, who was only ten meters away from Liang Fei, realized that the number of prey had increased, so he stopped playing the mouse game just now. He carried the giant bone chopping knife on his shoulder vigorously, doubled the speed of his feet, and shortened the distance with Charles in the blink of an eye.

Charles claims to have practiced boxing, but in fact his physical strength is not much better than ordinary people. In addition, he was wearing a suit that was inconvenient to move around, and his shoes were also leather shoes that were not suitable for sports. After a long period of fleeing, he was already at the end of his strength.

"Don't...don't leave me..." Charles saw the three people in front of him getting farther and farther away from him, and the sound of heavy footsteps behind him was also rapidly amplifying. He wanted to struggle hard, but the despair in his heart kept growing.


The back of his head suddenly felt a gust of cool wind, Charles suddenly lowered his head with the sixth sense between life and death, a shining bone chopping knife slid across the top of his head, and a few severed hairs drifted away with the wind.

Walking around at the juncture of life and death, the speed under Charles' feet almost exceeded the limit. After the distance between the man with the bone cutter and the bone cutter was opened by two meters again, Charles became cruel and discarded all the kind thoughts and hesitation left in his heart.

He raised his left hand to touch the tattoo on his right wrist, and suddenly a - toy pistol - gun appeared in his hand.

In a hurry, he raised his pistol and pointed it at the three people in front of him. The plastic bullets were dense like drizzle, and they happened to aim at Liang Fei's calf!

bang bang bang!

Liang Fei only heard a gunshot behind him, a sudden pain in his right leg, and several bullets hit his ankle and knee socket!

The unexpected impact caused Liang Fei to lose his balance, and his right leg bent and half knelt on the ground.

From kneeling to getting up, it took almost two full seconds. Taking advantage of the two seconds between life and death, Charles seized the opportunity and used all his strength to overtake Liang Fei, making Liang Fei the closest person to the bone cutter man!

For the bone cutter man, both Liang Fei and Charles were just his prey. Liang Fei was closest to him at this time, so he took advantage of the situation to change his target, raised the bone cutter and pointed it at Liang Fei who was on the ground.

"Senior!" When Xie Kun found that Liang Fei had been hit, he turned around and rushed towards Liang Fei.

The chaser's bone-chopping knife was held high in the air, and with enough strength, he slashed at the prey on the ground! In the blink of an eye, Xie Kun didn't care about anything else, and threw himself on Liang Fei, using his body to block the attack for Liang Fei!

Liang Fei didn't expect that Xie Kun would rush over suddenly, he made half of the counterattack, so he could only take it back abruptly.

Fortunately, Xie Kun's pounce was on the right track, and the two of them happened to stagger the cutting blade, narrowly avoiding the danger of serious injury.

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