108: The only way out

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In the classrooms on the first and second floors, at least there were blue curtains to hide the nailed iron panels on the windows. There are no classrooms on the third floor, and the outermost wall of the teaching building, which is sealed with iron plates, can be seen directly from the drainpipe.

There are no classrooms, no windows, and naturally no tables, chairs, benches, and textbooks. The entire third floor is like an unfinished first floor, only the most basic architectural structure is kept.

Liang Fei climbed up to the third floor and stood on the empty floor, his mind also became empty.

Before seeing the layout of the third floor with his own eyes, his thinking inertia made him think that the classrooms on the third to fifth floors would be the same as the first and second floors. Unexpectedly, the accident came so suddenly, and the empty space on the third floor told him in the most intuitive and clear way that his previous speculations were all wrong.

"I have searched around the third floor, but found nothing." Luo Xin said, "What shall we do next?"

Without Luo Xinyu's reminder, Liang Fei also knew that there would be no clues on the third floor. There are no floor tiles on the third floor, and the entire floor can be scanned at a glance, and there is no place to hide clues.

"The black shadow will come up soon, let's continue to climb up." Liang Fei said.

No valuable information could be found on the third floor, so the three of them could only continue to climb higher. According to the current rising speed of the water level, a floor can be submerged in ten minutes.

The three of them grabbed the drain pipe and climbed up one by one, this time it was still Liang Fei who broke the back. He grabbed the drainpipe with both hands, and took one last look at the empty third floor.

Liang Fei frowned slightly, and a guess suddenly appeared in his mind.

The first floor and the second floor look exactly the same whether it is the classroom environment or the objects in the classroom, but the third floor is empty. Perhaps the anomaly on the third floor itself is a clue. But what kind of information does this abnormal phenomenon want to convey?

"Ah!" Luo Xinyu, who was crawling on the top, suddenly exclaimed.

After she screamed, she jumped into the corridor on the fourth floor in a panic, then lay down on the ground and poked her head out, urging in a low voice: "Senior, come up quickly!"

Luo Xinyu looked shocked, as if he had made a major discovery. Her expression was surprised, but there was no fear or panic in her eyes, indicating that what she found was not dangerous.

Liang Fei knew that there was something unusual about the terrain on the fourth floor, so he climbed up slowly. After seeing the spatial layout of the fourth floor clearly, he instantly felt Luo Xinyu's mood.

The fourth floor gave the three people more shock than the third floor, because the third floor was just empty, but the fourth floor was upside down.

The ceiling and the floor are turned upside down, tables, chairs and benches are fixed on the "floor" above the head, and the books on the desks and the book baskets in the aisle are also fixed above the heads of the three. Liang Fei stepped on the white ceiling, with the white light emitting from the light tube at his feet, and he could touch the blades of the ceiling fan within two steps.

The table was hanging directly above, as if it might fall down at any time. Standing in the classroom, Liang Fei and others couldn't help being affected by this oppressive feeling.

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