19: Shot

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"Hmm!" Liang Fei struggled and tilted his neck back, trying to avoid Nie Ming's kiss.

As soon as he raised his head, Nie Ming fixed the back of his head, and then bit his lip fiercely.

Liang Fei's lips were in pain, and he opened his jaw unconsciously to stop it, but Nie Ming seized the opportunity and opened the gap between his teeth in one fell swoop. The warm tongue was raging in his mouth, Liang Fei hadn't recovered yet, so he could only vaguely and passively bear it.

The palate was suddenly swept by the tip of the tongue, and the place that had never been touched by others turned out to be unexpectedly sensitive. The numb and slightly itchy stimulation was instantly transmitted to the whole body like an electric current, making him tense his toes unconsciously.

"Hmm..." A slight groan tinged with heat inadvertently poured out from his throat, Liang Fei felt dizzy, feeling that the oxygen around him was taken away by Nie Ming.

Noticing that the cheeks of the person in front of him were blushing, and his lips were stained with a layer of water, Nie Ming let him go without hesitation, and took another bite on his lips before stepping away.

Liang Fei panted heavily, feeling that the air had finally returned to his lungs. He unconsciously pursed his lips, tasted a fishy sweet taste, and finally realized what happened just now, his reddish cheeks became hotter.

"I didn't expect Team Leader Nie to have such a hobby?" Ding Yan, who watched the whole process, glared at Nie Ming, his tone full of sarcasm.

"I need to report my hobbies to you?" Nie Ming's voice was still calm, as if the person who claimed Liang Fei just now had nothing to do with him.

Ding Yan glanced at Liang Fei, whose clothes were disheveled and his hair was messy. There were also black eyepatch and another round object thrown on the ground. Before he could see what it was, Nie Ming took a step forward to stand in front of Liang Fei, blocking Ding Yan's probing line of sight.

"I heard the highest alarm sounded in the institute, and thought there was a major security incident. I didn't expect Team Leader Nie to have time to do such things during the martial law period at the institute?" Ding Yan sarcastically said.

"Major Ding is still seriously injured, so it's better not to run around." Nie Ming glanced at Ding Yan's right hand, which was put on plaster, and made Ding Yan tremble with understatement.

"Who is the cause of this injury? Team Leader Nie must be very clear!" Ding Yan gritted his teeth and looked past Nie Ming to Liang Fei. Get in my way?"

From Nie Ming's point of view, there are two possibilities for Ding Yan to ask him for someone. One is that Liang Fei really betrayed him, or he was Ding Yan's person from the beginning. Now that Liang Fei is locked up by him, Ding Yan naturally wants to get him back. The second is that Liang Fei did not cooperate with Ding Yan, and even used his own strength to deceive Ding Yan severely. Ding Yan couldn't bear it, so he wanted to take him back for revenge.

Of course, it is also possible that Ding Yan is simply unhappy with him and sees that he treats Liang Fei differently, so he wants to snatch him away to respond to him.

No matter which of the above possibilities is the truth, Nie Ming cannot let Ding Yan succeed.

Nie Ming said, "I don't know what kind of identity Major Ding is using to court me?"

Ding Yan didn't understand what Nie Ming meant, and looked at him unkindly.

"If Major Ding speaks as an inspector of the military department, then the inspector has no right to interfere with any projects of the institute. If you use your identity as a major, unfortunately, you, the major, have no right to give orders to the colonel." Nie Ming was simply stating the facts, but Ding Yan felt that Nie Ming's words were mocking him inside and out.

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