26: End

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Liang Fei hesitated for a long time, unable to explain why, but Nie Ming's warm chest was right in front of him, and the heat seemed to be transmitted to his face.

He lowered his eyes, and from his perspective, he could just see Nie Ming's open neckline, and along the unfit skirt, there were strong chest muscles and the marks he left on them.

This man talks as soon as he talks, why take off his coat!

Liang Fei hastily changed the angle in a daze in embarrassment, to ensure that his sight would not accidentally see something that he shouldn't see. Nie Ming stretched out his hand and straightened his head, looking at him with heavy eyes.

"You can think about it slowly." Nie Ming hooked his chin with interest.

Liang Fei looked at Nie Ming's back, and stroked his chin in a daze.

He seems to have thought of a viable solution.

From a logical analysis, it is impossible for Nie Ming to let him leave. Coupled with Nie Ming's black-bellied nature, the possibility of him escaping is infinitely close to zero.

What about another way of thinking? If he doesn't run away and just finds a way to leave the scope of the research institute, it should be considered as completing the task, right?

"Report! Ding Yan's people have been locked up separately, and all the wandering corpses have been recovered." A subordinate in military uniform stood at the door of the control center and said.

Nie Ming didn't express too much, but there was a little satisfaction in his eyes. Next, I will torture the captives again to obtain some valuable information, and the turmoil at the institute tonight will be resolved satisfactorily.

He took the jacket handed over by his subordinates, put on the military jacket elegantly, stretched out his hand and combed his forehead hair up casually, revealing a smooth and full forehead, and his whole temperament changed accordingly.

The change in hairstyle made his eyes look sharper, and his originally abstinent and indifferent temperament became domineering and aggressive, and there were a few strands of hair that slipped from the forehead, which added a little chic and unruly to this aggressiveness.

He put on his military cap, adjusted the brim of the hat, turned his head and smiled at Liang Fei: "It's okay to talk after you think about it."

After all, Nie Ming took a few subordinates out of the control center and went to the place where the prisoners were held for interrogation, leaving enough time for Liang Fei to think.

From Nie Ming's point of view, Liang Fei can think about it for as long as he wants, as long as he is in the research institute, he can indulge Liang Fei for a long time on this kind of issue.

However, Liang Fei's time to think is running out! Because there is only one hour left before the mission ends!

If the mission time limit expires and he fails to escape from the research institute, he will be wiped out by the so-called system.

He sorted out his thoughts and searched around in the control center.

"May I ask what you are looking for, we can do it for you." Nie Ming's subordinates came over and said respectfully.

Liang Fei was taken aback by the man's overly serious tone. This subordinate should have been arranged by Nie Ming to protect him, in case the fish slipped through the net after the chaos ended.

"No, I'll just search for it. Thank you." Liang Fei politely refused, and then continued to rummage through the control center.

In fact, he didn't know exactly what he was looking for. He previously deduced that the possibility of using logic to persuade Nie Ming to let him leave the institute was zero, so he had only one way left to go.

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