I Like You - Logan x Virgil

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Virgil lazily laid across the couch in his side of the mind. Scrolling through tumblr while listening to music which blasted through his headphones.

He jumped once he noticed Logan standing there, straightening his tie and adjusting his glasses. Taking off his headphones Virgil gave him a skeptical look, wondering when the side had got there, and why he hadn't tried to capture his attention.

"How long have you been there for?" He finally decided to ask.

Logan jumped much like Virgil had prior, not knowing said aspect had noticed him. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped himself, knowing full well Virgil would think of him as creepy if he told him the exact time. "I just got here, I want to speak with you"

Virgil sat up and nodded for Logan to continue. "Well..." Logan suddenly began to get nervous as he straightened out his tie once more. "I have had these... feelings for a certain aspect and I was wondering if you could give me advice? On how to ask them out?" Logan questioned awkwardly, watching something flash through Virgil's eyes.

Virgil felt his heart clench, only recently has he come to terms with the fact that he has had a crush on Logan. It doesn't matter, anyway, who would want to date Virgil?

"Why me? Roman is th-..." Virgil cut himself off, if Logan did have feelings for one of them, obviously not being Virgil, if it wasn't Roman Logan would definitely ask him for advice - he must like Roman.

"Never mind" Virgil muttered and stood up. "Just tell them you like them or whatever"

"What if they reject me?"

Virgil shrugged, "Romance isn't my strong point" When Virgil saw Logan's expression he sighed, actually feeling bad for the logical side.

"Tomorrow, tell them how you feel, it's better then keeping it bottled up inside" Logan nodded curtly and thanked Virgil before vanishing back to his own room - presumably.

Now, if only Virgil could take his own advice...

The next day rolled around faster then Logan would've liked, his heart was beating rapidly and his hands were getting clammy. Of course he had to go fall for Virgil, the very closed off aspect who probably doesn't even like him back.

Sighing Logan pushed back his hair, straightened his tie and glasses before he appeared in Virgil's room. Virgil was on his phone like yesterday, scrolling through tumblr but this time not listening to music much to Logan's relief.

The loud music could damage his hearing.

"Virgil" Logan began, catching his attention.

He's back again? Virgil sighed, swivelling around to look at Logan who looked really nervous, that's...weird, he never looks nervous.


"I'm taking your advice" Virgil nodded slowly, slightly confused as the logical side stepped around the couch and in front of Virgil.

"You know, staying in here to long-"

"I know" Logan breathed in deeply, clasping his hands together.

"Virgil" he started and Virgil himself became nervous.

"I like you"

"I like you too?" Virgil asked confused, Logan sighed and shook his head. "No, I like you, romantically speaking"

Virgil froze, his mouth falling open slightly. Wait wait wait wait wait....Logan liked...him?!

"I asked you for advice yesterday because I wanted to know what you thought the best way to ask someone out is...I apologise if that is confusing, I am really nervous, if you do not like me back-"

Virgil cut him off by standing abruptly, "actually I uh...I like you too..."

Logan stared in disbelief, "you mean that?"

Virgil nodded and Logan smiled slightly, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Well that is a brilliant turn of events"

Virgil shook his head but smiled back anyway, "you understand that..." Virgil began, his smile widening.

"Patton is going to flip"


Yo fuckers

This OneShot might be shit but they get better, well, yeah haha


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