Secret Cake - No Ship

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Patton took out his secret cake from a hidden compartment in one of the cupboards, he placed it on the counter and grinned, smelling the amazing food.

At that exact moment Logan walked into the kitchen, glancing at the cake, his face lit up slightly. "Can I have some?" Patton spun around and hid his cake behind his back.

"Uh....its mine!" He grabbed the cake and dashed out of the room, Logan chased after him.

"ROMAN! VIRGIL! PATTON HAS CAKE AND IS NOT SHARING!" They both appeared immediately and ran after him.

Patton screeched and ran faster, they all chased him throughout the mind, going into different rooms, going down hallways they haven't explored in years, all while screaming they wanted some.

Patton suddenly had an idea and disappeared to his room, stuffing the cake in his face and devouring it.

The other three stopped and turned to each other.

"Where did he go?"

"Where would he go?"

They all paused.

"His bedroom" teleporting to his bedroom they all stared with wide eyes at the plate which he was licking clean. Putting it to the side he burped with a grin.

"My cake"


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