Till Death Do Us Part - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: death, mourning

"You promise you'll never leave me?" Roman asked Virgil, smiling happily.

"Yes you dork. Till death do us part, as they say" Virgil replied, leaning up to kiss Roman.

"I love you" Virgil mumbled.

"I love you, too" Roman mumbled, dropping his head and staring at his hands with eyes that were once full of life but now? Two brown empty voids.

"Why do you look so upset? Looking depressing is my job" Virgil commented, Roman gave him a small smile and a shrug, "I haven't seen you all day"

"You are so sappy, you know that?"

"And you love it!"

Knock knock

"Kiddo?" Patton quietly called, opening Romans bedroom door. "I'm worried, you haven't eaten all day...please have dinner with us?"

Roman didn't reply with words, he hasn't spoken to anyone since the incident.

"Princey, eat you moron" Virgil pushed Romans plate towards him, Roman looked at him through his bangs with a risen eyebrow.

"But I have a script to write!"

"You can't write it when you die from starvation"


Roman slowly stood up and left the room, Patton followed with a frown. He's only going because he knew Virgil would be disappointed if he didn't eat.

Prince entered the kitchen and noticed a drawing on the fridge.

"You're drawing? Since when do you draw?" Roman asked Virgil who shrugged and let Patton stick it on the fridge.

"Ever since you" Virgil jabbed his chest, "became boring"

Roman gasped, "boring? I am the opposite! Go to Logan if you want boring"

"Still mourning over my death?" Anxiety commented, smirking in a mocking way. Prince looked at him but he didn't see Anxiety, all he could see was Virgil.

His cute bangs, his dark eyeshadow, his perfectly sickening sweet smirk...

"Now Anxiety, that's not nice" Patton scolded and set Romans food in front of him, giving him a small hug.

"What? It's been months" Anxiety shrugged.

"It's been months!" Virgil complained, falling onto the couch and groaning. Roman smirked and sat down next to his head.

"I thought I was the dramatic one" he commented.

"You are, you royal pain"

"It takes different amount of time periods for different people to get over d-"

"Logan, I don't care" Anxiety cut him off, finishing his food and disappearing to his room. Logan sighed and ate his food in silence, Patton teared up and left the table making Logan sigh once more.

He left, leaving Roman alone. He's used to it.

"Pfft the only reason why you don't want to be alone is because you want people to notice your beauty" Virgil snorted.

"Oh, you think I'm beautiful?" He smirked and Virgil blushed.

"I never said that..."

"But you were thinking it!"

Roman sunk down to his room and collapsed on his bed, his cold unforgiving lonely bed, the one he used to share with the man he loved.

"I have to go, princey" Virgil mumbled, cuddling closer to prince. He grinned.

"I'm not holding you back" Virgil paused and sighed, giving Roman a kiss and standing up.

"Whatever, moron"

Roman didn't even realise he'd miss being insulted. Of course when it happened he scoffed and fired an insult back but now he doesn't feel like insulting anyone, he doesn't feel like doing anything.

"All you do is take selfies" Virgil complained, grabbing Romans phone and shutting it off.

"I look better then usual today!" He shot back and tried to grab his phone but Virgil held it away, laughing.

Oh, Roman would do anything to hear his angelic laugh once more. Even if he had to sacrifice one thousand puppies.

"Princey, you halfwit!"

"Please..." Roman sobbed

"You'll always save me from danger, eh?"


"Then why didn't you?"

"I tried!" Roman screamed, clutching his pillow so hard his knuckles turned white.

"You didn't, you liar! You promised we'd be together forever!"

"I know! Please Virgil! Forgive me!"

"Forgive you? All you are is a self centred, self obsessed, annoying idiotic moron, I will never forgive you"

"Virgil!" Romans sobs became louder and he clenched his eyes shut.

"I'll never love-

"Roman, I love you, dork! Of course I'll marry you!"

"Really?" Roman beamed, crying. Virgil nodded happily and Roman put the ring on his finger, he watched as the finger slowly disappeared along with the rest of him into the air.

"How could you be so stupid? I'll never love-"

"I love you" Virgil smiled and kissed Roman softly, Roman kissed back but fell to the ground once Virgil disappeared again.

"I love you, too" Roman whispered, images of Virgil flashing in in his mind before it went completely black.

"I love you, too"


Yep...I tried 😂

Thanks you for the request!

Also my Patronus is a Ibizan Hound so

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Also my Patronus is a Ibizan Hound so...just thought you should know

If anyone has a request hit me up!


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