Snow - Logan x Roman

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Everything was peaceful that day, Logan was reading his favourite book, Virgil and Roman were speaking about Disney, something they usually did, none of them were wondering where Patton was until they heard a scream.

Patton burst into the room and the other three looked up at him, surprised.

"What is it, Patton?" Logan asked, putting a bookmark into the book and setting it down on the table. Patton was giddy, jumping up and down and grinning widely.

"IT'S SNOWING!" He screamed, rushing to the window and throwing open the curtains. He was right, falling from the sky were white snowflakes, making a layer of glistening snow on the ground.

Logan didn't enjoy snow as much as the others, he thought it was too cold and wet. "Lets to make snowmen! And snow angels! And play snowball!" Patton giggled, running to go change into more suitable wear.

Virgil and Roman followed while Logan stayed behind, he'd much rather read a book then be covered in wet cold snow. Roman came back down after he changed and caught sight of Logan, he hadn't moved.

"Logan? Why aren't you changing? You can't go out in that, you'd catch a cold!"

"I am not going out" Logan replied, glancing up from his book. Roman stared at him in confusion.

"Why ever not?"

"I dislike snow" Logan stated, shutting his book.

"What? But snow is amazing!" Roman declared, looking out of the window to see the snow was coming down more heavily.

"Maybe to you, you don't mind being cold and wet" Logan stood up and went to leave but Roman grabbed his arm, staring into his eyes.

"Please come out, it wouldn't be the same without you" Roman pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes. Logan sighed, finally agreeing. Roman cheered and let Logan go change as he went out with Patton and Virgil.

Logan came out and stood in the doorway, his breath already becoming visible. He watched as Roman rolled up snow to make a snow man, Patton laid in the snow making an angel and Virgil made snowballs to throw at everyone who passed the house.

Sighing and muttering to himself about how he will regret this he headed to Roman to help him.

"Are you making a three layered snowman?" Logan questioned, watching Roman make a large round base. Roman nodded, "it'll be the best snowman the world had ever seen!"

"Right" Logan rolled his eyes and helped Roman making the second layer. Not to long later they finished and took a few steps back to look at their accomplishment.

Roman held an arm around Logan's waist, "for someone who doesn't like snow you make a good snowman" Roman complimented, Logan smiled bashfully.

"I'll go get the hat-"

"No no" Roman waved his hand and took of his own hat, scarf and gloves, fitting them on the snowman's head, neck and stick-arms.

"You're going to catch a cold" Logan protested but Roman smiled and kissed him on the lips, hugging him tightly.

"You can keep me warm" Roman argued. Logan shook his head but held Romans hands in his own, warming them up.

Logan was right, a few nights later Roman was sitting on the couch, bundled up in blankets. He was sneezing and using tissue after tissue. Logan did feel bad, he should've forced Roman to wear the clothing to keep him warm but Roman didn't seem to mind.

Logan watched Roman, concerned. All Roman did was chuckle and move the blankets, holding his arms open. Logan smiled, walking over and sitting on his lap. They cuddled each other and Roman instantly felt ten times more warmer.

"You might catch my cold" Roman mumbled into his hair but Logan didn't care, as long as he was cuddled up with his boyfriend.

"Stubborn" Roman chuckled, Logan only cuddled into him further and Roman sighed in happiness, wrapping the blankets around him and Logan.

"I love you" Roman said, playing with Logan's hair.

"I love you too" Logan mumbled back, kissing Romans cheek and resting his head in the crook of his neck.


Thanks for all the reads + votes, haha ☺️✌🏻

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